Do you need internet on the go and can't afford messing with your data plans or do you need Internet for your home instead of paying $80 fucking dollars a month for access.
I have 1 spot available on my 10 devices plan.
************ 1 just sold. Hurry up and get this last one. ****************************
Im sure if you ever looked for a WiFi signal i am also pretty sure you can across Optimum Wi-Fi but just don't have the access
Well i can solved that and this username is good for the whole 5 boroughs and they have hot spots EVERYWHERE.
So for $50 we can meet up and i can show you how to access it.
Or you just give me a call, i give you the information and if your happy you just PayPal it to me simple. once you sign in your good to go. You don't even have to log in all the time. it's a 1 shot deal from each device.