Alright, here's how I see it.
My ad places on 3 websites were giving an average of 55 daily clicks for every 5000 impressions and they all got deactivated without a reasonably timed notice, not even an email; I had to find that myself when I saw that all the banners were showing "Advertise here" message and zero revenue.
This happens after their system had a bug for about 4 days not counting impressions on any popunder, and after they promised a "compensation" for publishers (which I have yet to see after almost a week):
Anyone else noticed there have been no popup impressions in the last few days?
We are aware of this problem but it we will fix it tomorrow as our coder just went thru an operation this morning and needs to rest for 1 day before getting back to work.
All publishers will be compensated for this problem.
Although I didn't like the way they proceeded with the deactivation of almost every publisher's banner, I still decided to get in touch with their support offering to show ONE banner on each of my websites and giving them screenshots of the possible placement (on really visible places) but apparently that wasn't enough for their requirements and the reply I got was to replace other banners (giving an average of 0,0003 cpm) with theirs (roughly paying 0,00008cpm).
My final thought:
Coinzilla, I understand you want to set higher standards for your advertisers, but your pay rates are just not competitive enough to ask to get HIGH visibility places.
The market offers many different choices for a publisher with decent traffic
To be honest, I don't really care that much. I think that ad spot I gave you is worth more than you were paying me, because from all ad networks I am using income from your ad network is lowest.
All I was saying is that you had a really good ad sport and still you have disabled it, so your "ban" key is really weird to me, but okay...
Couldn't agree more on this, I can confirm they pay about 1/3 of other advertising platforms when it comes to banner advertising.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the improvements they're talking about will be, and I might still consider using their service if they offer something more without being overly picky.
Also coinzilla, I really hope for you that this move will work out and it won't drag you down too much.