This will be my official bitcoin exchange.
Im willing to exchange BTC, with COIN.PH and GCASH or vise versa
Rates are +/- 2% from buy/sell price if using wallet
+/- 5% if using GCASH from rate
Post your inquiry here and not thru PM so others would see our transactions.
Im a verified user in both and gcash
P.S. I reserve the right to decline transaction if I think we have a problem with your trust rating.
For some instance I may need to ask for some ID for verification.
You are forgetting escrow.. do not forget that. Include it in the above information.
Or were you simply expecting people here to send you bitcoins upfront?
You will use escrow for these transactions. Reputable and established escrow members on this forum. If you decline to use one, you are just another criminal trying to steal bitcoins to get some free pesos.