40 -50 k is chump chnage right now due to the high cost of GPUs , you cant even build a real farm for that. I spent probbaly 60k last year on my farm 250 or so GPUs , including mother boards risers etc : now 60k buys what
100 gpus ? and thats not counting all the boards PSU whatever so really only 75 GPU at current prices.
Thanks for the reply, it's good to know what other's have done/are doing.
Was shooting for 100 GPUs no matter the cost...overall it's not a lot of money to this investor...just testing waters.
It's really becoming about the opportunity cost for me and the investor...
I have a question, how did you accumulate your 250 gpus?
I got the bulk of them laster year onnce the rx series were tested to have the same hash rate as 290x and fury cards for 1/2 the power.
bought another 100 from jan to may before prices went stupid. Selling ny lower endcards the 4gb470 and 480s for around 350 and swapping them for 1070s .
some guy bough 10 of my asus 4gb 470 cards which bough for $135 in march , Idk if they know something I dont