In doing my due diligence on this ICO, I cannot find any specific names, registered business entities, trademarks nor patents associated with PlexCoin, PlexCorps nor any of it's product names. The group seems to use French as it's primary language for communication (hence the English translation spelling errors) and basic Canadian and France business entity searches revealed nothing (although MANY other countries use French as it's primary language; any ideas?). (created 5-24-17) whois (proxy/private contact): (created 6-28-17 AFTER?) whois (again proxy/private): (created 2 DAYS AGO): was apparently formed in August of 2016 per FB About (word only; no actual dated proof). Approx "40" unnamed parties involved and an ICO with great expectations in less than a year from initial idea stage?
Facebook: Groups (public): (Promoters)
Twitter: created this month! only 7 tweets with 59 followers?!)
Here's the Etherscan TokenTracker summary: selling 40% on ICO? Use and ownership of remaining 60%=600,000,000 tokens? I hope whitepaper properly addresses this.)
Other than that NOTHING. No whitepaper review until AFTER the pre-sale registration almost ends (WP release Aug 4, pre-sale reg ends Aug 7). No person or dev ("engineer") willing to put their name publicly behind the product(s). No investors, backing, relationships, partnerships, associations, etc. NO public APP in alpha nor beta! (nothing online or Android/Play Store that I can find) Only a "powerful app" image just like the image of last month's whitepaper. (Only v1.2 in a year?!) Getting things registered and in the public IS your security from having it stolen ("plagiarized") behind the scenes (and prevent duplicating someone else's efforts who may be farther along with more backing and the internationally recognized patents/trademarks to prove it). Right now EVERYTHING is centralized and secret but we need to trust an unknown entity that they will deliver on a new, better, powerful decentralized "currency" (Uh-um: token banking system). We'll see the details *JUST* before the pre-sale begins with no time for feedback, analysis, corrections or thorough due diligence.
As an experienced stock investor (& cypherpunk/early CPU miner of BTC) recently back in the cryptocurrency world, this ICO's lack of information, no personal backing (not even an alias or advance public whitepaper like BTC but it will be better?!), no corporate registration information, no trademark or patent registration available and VERY recent creation raises my concerns VERY much. I've seen scam ICO's with much more information than this so until I know who, where, when and specific answers instead of generalized hopes and dreams, I am staying away. The is a classic pump and hype with referrals on EVERY link I can find. Accelerators and hackerspaces around the world are creating "pie in the sky" startups like this like wildfire now. If you can't provide the unique firm basics and a firm feasible path well in advance but only promote, promote, promote, there is something very wrong. I see nothing unique about this ICO that can actually deliver. What about security?! With 3 fiat and 3 crypto currencies and SO many users involved, security not addressed anywhere I can find.
I can get together with a couple hacker friends and do everything they currently have publicly showing (AND more, ie, dev names, business reg, template whitepaper, TM/patent ref, alpha apps, followers, etc) within days or a week on the outside. Easy.
Summary as of now: A couple recently made http webpages with a lot of extraordinary promises, a couple recent FB pages/groups, a recent Twitter account, NO APP, NO WHITEPAPER, NO NAMES, NO DEVS, NO LOCATIONS, NO REGISTRATIONS, NO PATENTS, NO TRADEMARKS and website BASIC SECURITY. All this in less than an hour because there is nothing more than what you see. Just a LOT of HYPE so far.
If anyone has anything to add, PLEASE DO. The SOONER the better. Thank you and good luck. I'll do my DD if/when more information becomes available to actually do DD on.
"I may be onto something or I may be full of shit. Only time will tell."
(My life's "caveat")