First of all, thanks for the info... dillpicklechips... fantastic name

... love your positive attitude!

We are looking to announce an ICO and we were planning on doing it ourselves but the more I read the more it seems like a good idea to have someone do this for us. Any thoughts/opinions on "pitfalls" of using someone less experienced?
You don't know their capabilities. Mostly that is the main "pitfall" and other pitfalls came from that. Since you don't know what he is capable: hypothetically you let him manage but there are many participants who used many accounts to abuse but because he is incompetent he doesn't care and didn't act accordingly. Unlike experienced ones, you can see from the campaigns their managing and managed as how competent, trustworthy they are since you can see what there capabilities are based on their history.
I was under the impression we would post the initial ICO information and then deal with the questions (or common attacks on our idea

)... how does a campaign manager know "how" to reply if they are not as familiar with the project as we are?
For me (I also think reputable managers do this), before they manage the campaign they should know what campaign they are managing so they can respond to some concerns that participants or other people throw at them regarding the said campaign. Also, he should first assess whether it is a scam or not since he don't want other people to be scammed or hurt his reputation in managing a scam ICO or any campaign.
Campaign managers don't really need to know every detail but rather the basic and essential things that they should know. For example, when will the crowdsale of the ICO be?, how many weeks does the campaign lasts?, etc.