Such a feeling that the news company except as an invitation to pre-sale and there is no vovsem, on Twitter to look scary, every day the same thing.
Yes, completely agree! Twitter is spammed and no news about the project. The project is constantly changing the rules! It's not professional and it looks like just collecting money. All this does not inspire confidence and
looks like a scam!Hi,
Our twitter philosophy revolves around mass visibility hence the methods that we use for Twitter. We have post three articles since last week based our the team or the Zloadr platform with at least one more out today as well.
We changed the rules regarding the bounty campaign for the main ICO
never for the pre ICO. The rule changes where implemented to allow a greater number of user participants as many ICO campaigns are very strict and not friendly to every users. All that means is that you would have to do less work and still earn what you have done. So from that standpoint I am unsure what the issue is there.
We are looking to raise funds to complete the development of our platform I can assure you will 100% accuracy that Zloadr is not a scam and has to valid reason to be placed in such a negative light. Many ICO's have a road map of 2 years to the development of their platform if they are able to get it to market anyways.
Zloadr will be released a month after the ICO concludes Our methods my not inspire confidence in you personally but please do not through reckless FUD by saying Zloadr is a scam.
I didn't say that this is scam,
I said it looks like a scam.Changes (pre ICO):
- You have canceled the limit of participants in bounty campaigns; this is certainly not bad, but
- You have reduced the total reward for the bounty from 900k to 600k without any notice;
- You changed the rules for calculating stakes per week; for example, Twitter bounty: initially, when the number of followers was more than 250, there were 30 stakes per week, but now only 10 stakes.
{10 stakes for under 300 followers}
{20 stakes for 301 to 999 followers}
{50 stakes for 1000 or more followers}
And this is after people worked for a whole month supporting your campaign. Are you laughing?
You have changed the timing of your campaigns (pre ICO & ICO). Pre ICO (Started at the end of August) lasts longer ICO and between the two companies there is no break. It's pretty weird and funny.
And there are many things that cause me doubts.....