Your transaction is confirmed now. Its lock time was block 475903 and it was included in block 475912 (nine blocks after its lock time).
You presently need to pay 270 satoshis/byte to get fast confirmations, and your transaction pays 150.29 satoshis/byte, which is about half that fee.
You can find the best fee to pay for your requirements at this site. 'twas confirmed moments after I posted my reply.(3rd message on this thread).
Also I know the fees and if only Primedice allow a much higher fee, I could have done that.
It really depends. If the nlocktime is in the future, then your transaction cannot be included in any point till after the Unix time or the block time has been reached. Eg. If I set my the nlocktime using time at 1500128161, the transaction cannot be included in blocks that has 1500128150 as the unix time. Similarly, if its set using the block height, I set mine at 475930, it cannot be included in any blocks before that.
Or normally how long does a block take before its blockheight exceeds?
Check the blockchain. You can find the block height there, assuming every block is 10 minutes, it would take 100 minutes for it to potentially get confirmed if the nlocktime is 10 blocks in the future.
I think I'm getting it, though more familiarity is what I need. Thanks for your trouble.