If you are panicking about some small Bitcoin retracement then Bitcoin might not be for you.
Seriously people should stop panicking about these small fluctuations. If people can't handle the stress, then leave.
Its not the price i was worried about ??Its was a question about what happens with the coins
in my electrum offline wallet that was all..I know how volatile BTC can be im not an investor
although i have made a few extra ££ from BTC buying low and using when high..
My main worry was if the coins was in electrum would they be lost if there was to be 2 coins
being made..And would electrum be ready for this..
That was all mate,I'm not the only one who is asking this question at the moment..Hope that
clears it up for you...And thank you to all that help explain the situation,I'm just holding onto
my BTC and as it for being a small amount it may be small to big time users of BTC and investors
not everyone is an investor or trying to make money from BTC there are some users who just
buy BTC and use them now and again..
So yes a loss of £50 or so is a big deal to me,but im in no rush to spend it i was not worried
i know BTC will be back up after the 1st of August and possibly over the £2500 mark..I've
been watching it for months..I was more worried about losing the whole £130 just because
i did not move them out of electrum...
But just because im a small time users of BTC it still makes sense to ask what to do from the
people on the forum ?