kryptoknightk (OP)
July 16, 2017, 12:07:25 AM |
Does anyone have any idea when Tezos will hit the exchanges? 
July 16, 2017, 12:27:29 AM |
Does anyone have any idea when Tezos will hit the exchanges?  i remember it will be half years later, maybe the market wil pump that time, will you have a good profit
kryptoknightk (OP)
July 16, 2017, 01:30:50 AM |
Does anyone have any idea when Tezos will hit the exchanges?  i remember it will be half years later, maybe the market wil pump that time, will you have a good profit 6 months?? dayummm
marx hu

Activity: 68
Merit: 10
July 16, 2017, 07:43:22 PM |
Does anyone have any idea when Tezos will hit the exchanges?  i remember it will be half years later, maybe the market wil pump that time, will you have a good profit hmm... would it be using too long time for hitting exchange 
July 16, 2017, 07:50:30 PM |
how deep underwater will Tezos go? 
July 16, 2017, 07:54:57 PM |
how deep underwater will Tezos go?  Yea it's got nothing going for it, how well have the other completely new code base systems done at launch? (Bitcoin, Ether, NXT/NEM, Ripple) I'm just glad most people in this space are only capable of watching simple whitepaper videos and don't understand what they are buying at all. The founder of Tezos gave an hour long talk tearing apart the nitty gritty of smart contracts and defensive programming and all the reasons they made the choices they did while developing this platform from scratch over the last 3 years. Interestingly, almost nobody on this board could follow any of it, they want clip art of flying piggy banks with gold coins floating into them.  That said the project has terrible PR, terrible community, the founders are impossible to talk to currently. The founders appear to be super intelligent but what a massive project they have taken on. It could certainly crash and burn or it could rival the top spots as the community grows, one which currently is non-existant!
July 16, 2017, 08:23:48 PM |
how deep underwater will Tezos go?  Yea it's got nothing going for it, how well have the other completely new code base systems done at launch? (Bitcoin, Ether, NXT/NEM, Ripple) I'm just glad most people in this space are only capable of watching simple whitepaper videos and don't understand what they are buying at all. The founder of Tezos gave an hour long talk tearing apart the nitty gritty of smart contracts and defensive programming and all the reasons they made the choices they did while developing this platform from scratch over the last 3 years. Interestingly, almost nobody on this board could follow any of it, they want clip art of flying piggy banks with gold coins floating into them.  That said the project has terrible PR, terrible community, the founders are impossible to talk to currently. The founders appear to be super intelligent but what a massive project they have taken on. It could certainly crash and burn or it could rival the top spots as the community grows, one which currently is non-existant! link to the talk? right now i'm not a fan of Tezos, but i'm willing to change my mind and looking to do research. new code base doesn't guarantee success. NEM cap a little fake.. NXT same size as ChainCoin.. Ripple 

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 16, 2017, 08:25:26 PM |
I heard that tezos will dump as soon as possible so we will see another crash that time... Don't know if its more fear mongering or legit
Anyone knows?
July 16, 2017, 08:30:54 PM |
tezos will dump when hitting the exchanges, because everybody will sell
July 16, 2017, 08:39:39 PM Last edit: July 16, 2017, 08:52:32 PM by williamevanl |
how deep underwater will Tezos go?  Yea it's got nothing going for it, how well have the other completely new code base systems done at launch? (Bitcoin, Ether, NXT/NEM, Ripple) I'm just glad most people in this space are only capable of watching simple whitepaper videos and don't understand what they are buying at all. The founder of Tezos gave an hour long talk tearing apart the nitty gritty of smart contracts and defensive programming and all the reasons they made the choices they did while developing this platform from scratch over the last 3 years. Interestingly, almost nobody on this board could follow any of it, they want clip art of flying piggy banks with gold coins floating into them.  That said the project has terrible PR, terrible community, the founders are impossible to talk to currently. The founders appear to be super intelligent but what a massive project they have taken on. It could certainly crash and burn or it could rival the top spots as the community grows, one which currently is non-existant! link to the talk? right now i'm not a fan of Tezos, but i'm willing to change my mind and looking to do research. new code base doesn't guarantee success. NEM cap a little fake.. NXT same size as ChainCoin.. Ripple isn't much now (not sure why) but it made everyone in the ICO insta-rich when it hit the scene. No, a new code base doesn't guarantee success, in fact in a way it makes it risky as it hasn't proven itself BUT what it does mean is that this project has a lot of effort already behind it. I'd be willing to bet 1000x the work went into this thing over the last 3 years compared to all these ill-conceived, barely workable ICO's we've been seeing. I'm not sure folks realize the difference in work between these essentially 'copied' Ether token offerings and something like Tezos, the difference is enormous! Launching yet another ERC-20 offering can be done in an afternoon (We've seen it done as a joke!), designing an entire protocol in a different language and designing an entirely new language for smart contracts, I can't even imagine how much work went into that! (something like a development team of 10 Computer Science phds working around the clock for years.) I think even with this being the largest ICO, that for what it is, it's relatively under the radar. They are really trying to implement a 'grown up' safer etherium that can be used for serious applications. (ie because the new contract language they developed can be formally verified like a math equation)
July 16, 2017, 08:53:20 PM |
I'm not sure folks realize the difference in work between these essentially 'copied' Ether token offerings and something like Tezos, the difference is enormous! Launching yet another ERC-20 offering can be done in an afternoon, designing an entire protocol in a different language and designing an entirely new language for smart contracts, I can't even imagine how much work went into that! (something like a development team of 10 Computer Science phds working around the clock for years.)
Does it mean it is 250M valuable ? No. It hasn't even prove itself as for now. A $50M hardcap should have been way enough. I don't think it will dump that fast when it will hit the exchange. The fact that it isn't hardcapped, mean people investing think more about the long terme than just dump after the ico. However, it will most probably die slowly.
July 16, 2017, 09:02:06 PM |
I'm not sure folks realize the difference in work between these essentially 'copied' Ether token offerings and something like Tezos, the difference is enormous! Launching yet another ERC-20 offering can be done in an afternoon, designing an entire protocol in a different language and designing an entirely new language for smart contracts, I can't even imagine how much work went into that! (something like a development team of 10 Computer Science phds working around the clock for years.)
Does it mean it is 250M valuable ? No. It hasn't even prove itself as for now. A $50M hardcap should have been way enough. I don't think it will dump that fast when it will hit the exchange. The fact that it isn't hardcapped, mean people investing think more about the long terme than just dump after the ico. However, it will most probably die slowly. Oh, yea I have no idea if its worth 250 Million, maybe it's not. Though their 'hot swap' method of allowing people to vote on protocol changes should allow this protocol to change in whatever way prevents it from 'slowly dying' I don't think it's a perfect project. I think it will be harder to work with than Etherium and I think etherium is already way ahead. I don' think it offers anything over Ether that is particularly interesting (yawn on formally verifiable), other than it's proof of stake which should be interesting. It's all pretty drab BUT its a platform with huge upside potential and it's a real project. Of the thousands or projects being launched there's only a few 'actual' projects and this is one of them. Little bit curious why anyone cares, 50 Million or 250 Million that's a 5x increase, this is the crypto-space where things go .02 cents, 2 cents, 20 cents, 2.00$, $20, $200, $2000... lol it's all orders of magnitude if it works. Who cares if it starts at 10 cents or 50 cents?!
July 16, 2017, 09:08:41 PM |
It's good for investors if they hit the exchange in a couple of months, when the market will be probably bullish again. It will be probably be one of the, if not the, last crazy ICO.
July 16, 2017, 09:15:37 PM |
tezos futures market will pump then tezos will dump on release. It will pump years later. My thoughts. Could be wrong. 
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
July 16, 2017, 09:38:19 PM |
On which exchanges will Tezos be availavble first is there any websites which share such information in general?
Is there any Exchange ICO*S prever when hitting market?
July 16, 2017, 09:42:06 PM |
I have no idea what will happen...  If I had to wildly speculate in an optimistic way, the price might go all over the @#$%@ place until such time that smart contracts start to get used in mainstream everything and the powers that be choose to go with Tezos over Ether for its added security. Target price for such an event 200 Billion dollar market cap.
July 17, 2017, 02:25:07 AM |
Does anyone know what the total supply of tezos Coin? I want to see if it has great potential at being a 100 dollar plus coin since there was so much hype on this coin.
Activity: 4242
Merit: 1483
Life, Love and Laughter...
July 17, 2017, 02:44:36 AM |
tezos futures market will pump then tezos will dump on release. It will pump years later. My thoughts. Could be wrong.  That's what usually happens with all ICO's when they get listed in the exchanges. I have never seen one that hasn't been dumped before. With a 230m USD starting market cap, I think it's a bit overvalued for a project that has no use and their tech unproven. This could be a train wreck in waiting tbh, that's why I changed my mind and didn't invest in the ICO.
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July 17, 2017, 02:58:58 AM |
how deep underwater will Tezos go?  Yea it's got nothing going for it, how well have the other completely new code base systems done at launch? (Bitcoin, Ether, NXT/NEM, Ripple) I'm just glad most people in this space are only capable of watching simple whitepaper videos and don't understand what they are buying at all. The founder of Tezos gave an hour long talk tearing apart the nitty gritty of smart contracts and defensive programming and all the reasons they made the choices they did while developing this platform from scratch over the last 3 years. Interestingly, almost nobody on this board could follow any of it, they want clip art of flying piggy banks with gold coins floating into them.  That said the project has terrible PR, terrible community, the founders are impossible to talk to currently. The founders appear to be super intelligent but what a massive project they have taken on. It could certainly crash and burn or it could rival the top spots as the community grows, one which currently is non-existant! After reading your reply, I decide to research Tezos carefully, sounds a big project with large potential. Maybe I can get some cheap coins after it hits exchanges.
July 17, 2017, 03:22:49 AM |
tezos futures market will pump then tezos will dump on release. It will pump years later. My thoughts. Could be wrong.  So i've heard the team said that to liquidate all of the ethereum has raised from the crowdsale to the bitcoin in the future. but i was expecting the liquidate phase before the token will be tradable in the market.  Just waiting for the ether market will get big dump again caused by the greedy team of tezos project. 
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