You are serious? Do you think that Zapad military exercise is preparation to defend from West invasion? Don't be naive, it will be attacking exercise. Russia will simulate possible invasion to Baltic states.
What is Zapad 2017
A little readyness military training inside russia by and for the russian federation people (compared to reaction aafter all western invasion against russia), esrly winter.
Just a small correction - training will be mainly in Belarus, not in Russia.
Step 1 russian nukes take off
Step 2 most eastern europe is gone
Step 3 eventual western reply
Step 4 russian biolabs are open
Step 5 the end.
War game that..
Ps check the genetical engineering program of soviet union... let's say that profit was a very foreign notion, or modding food... for the rest let's say that the soviet scientists knew that they may burn inside the facalities.