hey guys, I've been trying to get the 700kh/s on my 7970 for few weeks, last week I was finally able to break the 800kh/s mark with 1 gpu using cgminer. below is the config and the link for the photo.
Here's the best cgminer configuration for 7970 GPU
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool.com:port -u user -p password --shaders 2048 --thread-concurrency 8192 -I 13 -g 2 -w 256
https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3y126o8hd7smbq/Photo%2026-04-13%207%2027%2001%20PM.pngthe screen shot will also show you the OC settings in AB for MSI 7970
if this works for you (which it should) and you're getting 100-200kh/s more, please consider donating