In fact it does generated a big trafic in term of pageviews, and that make forum ads more and more valuable, with price increasing substantially at each round.
These icos could disappear tomorrow and the ads on this forum would not diminish at all. In fact, if that happened they'd probably bring in much more money than they already do because many of these icos would then bid on slots as they would have no other option to advertise themselves here.
So you are requesting an entity totally unpowerful outside the U.S. to mess in the crypto-sphere just because people are raising money ? Investors are not dumb as some may think here. If they invest it means that they want to do it, and I do not find it too fair to go against the will of the people while Bitcoin was created to promote total liberty, for whatever it is.
I'm not requesting it I just hope these get rich quick scammers get what they deserve. Most of these icos have little to nothing to do with crypto or at the most are largely worthless or negative to it. Most are just straight up scams which are nothing but get rich quick schemes to make the operators millionaires. And I would seriously question the intelligence of a lot of the people that invest in some of this crap because I doubt most of them will deliver on their promises.
And this is a private forum so you don't have total liberty. Look at how much liberty users already get and they abuse it on masse. There have been people caught with 200 alt accounts spamming the same reworded crap one after the other and they got paid to do it by these ico idiots who don't care as long as their advert is getting spammed all over the forum. Dozens of campaigns pop up every month and do exactly the same so that's why you need some rules to play by sometimes and not just let the scammers and greedy capitalists run rife and unregulated.