This is a raffle for a RAIN cryptochip, ten RAIN stickers and a pre-loaded paper wallet with 10,000 RAIN!!
The winner receives everything below, and all participants will receive a bundle of stickers for playing
Raffle ends July 31, 2017
Price per ticket: 5,000 RAIN or 0.01 BTC
Pay to this address only:
RAIN - RBtTFo4HSomJ7Vc8HYUnjijfmwoxz9xujj
BTC - 1PYpTHDgfg36fCeHuX9SdbvcMYvJfUYDGq
There are 16 slots in this raffle. You will need to pick a slot from either group 1 or group 2. If you pick a slot from group 1, it means the last character of the winning block hash can be either 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7. If you pick a slot from group 2, it means the last character of the winning block hash can be either 8,9,a,b,c,d,e or f. Your slot in either group represents the last character of the winning block hash. If the hash matches the character from your group and slot, you win!
A winning block will be picked once all slots are filled. Please post your tx (payments only to the above address!) and desired slot and I will update the OP.
Group 1 (0-7):
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 - Elypse
6 -
7 - frizbninja
Group 2 (8-f):
8 -
9 -
a - Elypse
b - dvachayu
c - darkenedsoul
d -
e - Rumhurius
f -
Extra info:
The paper wallet address can be found here.-No slot limit.
-Shipping is free (unless determined to be over $10 USD)
--I have the right to cancel the raffle at any time. All slots will be refunded.
--I have the right to speed up the raffle.
--No refunds once a winner is selected.
--I have the right to not reserve a slot for anyone for no given reason.
Any further questions, post here or PM.
An example of a win:
Say the winning hash is 870565d3e878b717e8f31e8e321fd80020bd1b73e10adaa89db87fedb4f782b8
Then someone in group 2 will win, where the last character 8 matches group two's first slot.
Good luck!
dvachayu (slot b)
Rumhurius (slot e)
frizbninja (slot 7)
Elypse (slots 5 & a)
darkenedsould (slot c)
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