Hi guys,
I'm not a real regular poster. But I do spend time talking to people about cryptos. For example I met with my local city treasurer the other day, I attend local political meetings, and talked some with policy guys for Agriculture in the state... etc... hell I even talked my mother into buying some on Coinbase! (now I get text messages about the price all the time) Buying shirts helps me continue with gas money, etc; especially as I spread out farther talking with more people (elected officials, industry etc). I'm going to get a website together and business cards for direct transfers into wallets for donations at some point, but shit, people wear clothes.
Anyways I had some cool ideas for shirts. (Also I think most of them are hella stupid that I see, it was like the internet was begging for a good one)
This one is direct from the Bitcoin white paper's introI don't know what you guys do during bloodbaths, but you know the right answer (Inspired by Jurassic Park, I made the meme on twitter about this)
Look forward to more designs if some great ideas come up. If it's not seriously nerdy, neck-beardy, meme'y, or the like, I won't be making it. These are for people that
get it.