
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
July 21, 2017, 03:32:33 AM |
July 21, 2017, 03:39:24 AM |
Many speculation on august1 or after that, one thing is for sure I think bitcoin will still exists. As today bitcoin price become progressively increase its value. Though we cannot predict what might gonna happen if this split will be implemented and bitcoin price drops this will sadden the situation.
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July 21, 2017, 03:39:46 AM |
I'm excited when that day comes. Any opinions for that?
Well there are 2 current ways i think bitcoin might go after hard fork. 1. The price can grow super high and will probably break 3k super fast and Bitcoin will be constantly rising until to around 4K. 2. The hard fork doesn't go through, the price stays the same and more FUD gets spread. August one is forgotten 3. The hard fork ends in a fail, Bitcoin drastically drops to less than 2k. Hope number 1 happens. The hard fork is scheduled for October 2017, if I am not wrong. I read that the hard fork will occur three months after the BIP 91 gets activated. So if the activation happens by 22 July 2017, then the hard fork may be implemented by 22 October 2017.
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July 21, 2017, 03:54:41 AM |
nothing will happen after august 1st, bitcoin price will continue to appreciate, and more and more adoption will come.
July 21, 2017, 03:56:38 AM |
No one really know about what is going to happen in August 1. But we can know for sure, it'll be bad, or it may become something good. I just hope it won't be bad. Because you know, many people really worried about btc now. They're currently having the scariest nightmare, anticipating that btc price will drop and maybe, it'll be over. Although i hope it won't happen because if yes, i'll be really sad and frustasted lol
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Activity: 532
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July 21, 2017, 04:06:24 AM |
Last week bitcoin price drops so much and many speculation had popped up that its because bitcoin holders got threatened by the splitting expected to be done on August 1, lots of people had either sell or pulled out their coins. But this week btc price starts to pump up again and still getting up each day. So whatever gonna haopen after aug 1 lets hope that it wont be bad.
July 21, 2017, 05:07:37 AM |
Excited ?? Is that too soon? Currently, many people worry about that day. When this change is made, it is possible that Bitcoin prices will fall which make people worried but also may Bitcoin prices will increase sharply when the number of blocks is expanded. So all the opinions in the present are probably too early
Are you reading news? You must visit to keep updated, BIP 91 is probably successful which means segwit is still govern and locke in. Split is currently on hold and there is no maor event on August 1 because the tension is now freeze.
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Activity: 173
Merit: 11
July 21, 2017, 03:19:00 PM |
1 USD after August 1 was just a joke....  I hope BTC wont go too high because i still need to get in and invest my money. I want to buy 2-3 BTC soon so i need the price to drop as low as possible....
July 21, 2017, 03:32:01 PM |
No one surely can said that what will happened after 1st august. I also wonder about it. but i beleive on Bitcoin. few days ago a lot of people telling that bitcoin price will dump a lot.also its happened but tommorrow the price agaign pumped and its now worth of $2,742, my prediction is, bitcoin price will be 4000$ after 1st august. dont sell your bitcoin just hold them in a safe place with private key. Bitcoin is future, hold your bitcoin and decure your future.
Yes you're right.Bitcoin is our future.Especially now that it reaches almost $3000.Wow that's really amazing.And i think bitcoin price will be even greater after august1st.I have no fears already for this coming august1st.I put all my trust to bitcoin as much others do.So there's nothing to worry because everything is controlled now.
July 21, 2017, 03:36:35 PM |
I'm excited when that day comes. Any opinions for that?
The activation of segwit on bitcoin's network, it try to fixing scaling problem on bitcoin's network but the question is will it be succesfull, that is important question about what will happen after 1st August, because there are some people say it will be fail and the other people say it will be succesfull for bitcoins to be better in the future.
July 21, 2017, 03:43:19 PM |
Doesn't the BIP91 lock in basically make the August 1st BIP148 a non-event now?
Yes, I've been saying the exact same thing. Obviously BIP91 is only the first step in the process, but it's a big step. And I don't see how bip148 has much relevance now.
July 22, 2017, 09:17:36 AM |
I'm excited when that day comes. Any opinions for that?
The same thing that happens before August 1st the sun will rise the day will commence the day will finish and the sun will set. August 1st is not special in any way shape or form. It is a soft fork and it is a change in the software and it's not going to do anything other than possibly speed up the chain a little bit.
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July 22, 2017, 12:35:23 PM |
I do not exactly know what will happen after august 1. But I think bitcoin will continue to be successful after august 1.
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July 22, 2017, 12:50:04 PM |
So far everybody is optimistic the price is rising I thought it will go down to $1000 below because it was the indication in the last two weeks, but now it's bounce back and even keeps growing i expected it to pass the $3000 mark after August 1.
July 22, 2017, 01:02:22 PM |
I'm excited when that day comes. Any opinions for that?
Not really sure what are you waiting for, maybe you did not look at the price or the news, the August 1st scaling drama is over, the price is just going to shoot up and up, already shot up 1000$ in one week alone and 3k is coming very soon. It's only upwards and upwards for Bitcoins, now it's getting into one of the best bull run ever, people buckle up we are going Mars to Jupiter. Op if you have brought coins sit tight and see them grow.
July 22, 2017, 01:03:40 PM |
I'm excited when that day comes. Any opinions for that?
I am hoping that the bitcoin price will increase more. Well I am just hoping for that since no bitcoiners wants that the bitcoin price goes down again. Since that topic is almost issue for almost one month, I feel a little bit excited yet nervous and I don’t know why. Let’s just hope nothing bad happen.
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July 22, 2017, 01:18:21 PM |
There will be alot of possibilities that may happen in august 1,some people say bitcoins price may crash after the split if split will really happen.It can be negative nor positive as well so lets just hope for the best
“There will be a lot of possibilities that may happen in august 1”. I one hundred percent (100%) agree with you on this. That is why no one can really tell what will happen in August 1 and especially after August 1. I will just monitor bitcoin in August 1, so that I will be updated. Like you Nevis, I am hoping that whatever happens on that day, it will be for the best of everybody. Many people depends on bitcoin in these days, including you and me.
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Activity: 7
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July 22, 2017, 01:25:32 PM |
It will be august 2  not a big big change. I am new so i don't know what will happen.
July 22, 2017, 05:21:11 PM |
Stop trying to make it more than it is stop asking questions about it it's not that far away just relax and let the coders take care of it. Nothing will happen to bitcoins and it will still be with us after Aug 1.
July 22, 2017, 05:32:45 PM |
Stop trying to make it more than it is stop asking questions about it it's not that far away just relax and let the coders take care of it. Nothing will happen to bitcoins and it will still be with us after Aug 1. Uhm there are things that will change on August 1. It will possibly be not the same bitcoins by that time. Everybody needs to prepare, as there is really a great possibility that there would be a fork. For people asking about it, check what theymos are saying at their official thread that's always advertise on top of the forums.