This seems like a nice idea, although I see some if's and but's regarding (large) tokenholders deciding everything.
How is decided when to take profits/losses? How are these executed and who is doing that? Or am I completely misunderstanding the concept? If I do please enlighten me
Yes, tokenholders can decide the moment when to take profits/losses, for each individual Asset that Harbour has invested in, they can decide in 10% Increments from 10% to 100% of Asset. (Sell/Buy)
There are several types of proposal. The currently defined proposal types are as follows:
1) ICO Contribution: This is one of the core proposal types. It is used to diversify into different ICOs.
This proposal has ‘yes’ or ‘no’ options. When holders vote yes, they can pick what percentage
of Harbour’s holdings they would like to contribute.
2) DAO Change: This is another core part of the project. This proposal type provides tokenholders
with the ability to change aspects of the DAO. These proposals execute automatically, and work
by changing configuration values on the DAO, such as dividend rates, proposal creation fees, etc.
3) Buy Proposal: This proposal allows tokenholders to vote on allocating holdings in an existing
Token. This functionality will work automatically through various exchanges. Holders will be able
to vote for Harbour to invest 2%, 4%, 8%, or 10% of its ETH in the Token.
4) Sell Proposal: This proposal allows tokenholders to vote on selling a token the DAO currently
holds. It is planned that this also works automatically by using both decentralized and centralized
exchanges. Holders will be able to vote to sell 10-100% of the asset, in 10% increments.
Proposal Creation Fee – In order to reduce spam proposals, there will be a fixed ETH fee associated
with creating a proposal. If a proposal passes successfully, the creator will have the fee reimbursed.
We believe this not only stops spammers from creating fake proposals, but also motivates tokenholders
to make good proposals they think will pass.
looking great and promising project, waaiting for bounty campaign
Thank you for the support, there will no Bounty Campaign though.