ViaBTC will do it, and will place 1:1 BCC for each BTC, and will temporary hold BTC in BTC_Frozen (equivalent in a sense to Bittrex not allowing any deposits and withdrawals). But their terms state you must NOT be American. Is there any exchange that has promised to give all chains to the holders? I know I can move to my wallet, and it's safer. But I am lazy and have more risk of making a mistake myself. I also feel BCC will be supported by China Government and likely be China controlled in terms of hash rate, but the coin will stumble 1-6 months then explore in price, so I plan to hold that. I hate BTC politics, how slow it is, and even where it's going too, so there's no harm in hoping even if it's wasted energy.
Whatever be the outcome, general users hardly have any control over the split, so better to be prepared for anything that happens. Move your bitcoins to paper or hardware wallets or other wallets that you have control over the private key. If you have the private key, you can chose which side of the split you want to and claim coins from all the splits too.