Idk why its so hard to read few page back before comment.
60 days is the max. It will for sure be less than that.
Thank you, don't worry, all of the forms will be checked and spammers will be disqualified.
Bounty Campaign is now over. Please allow at least a week for me to verify all the spreadsheets and validate submissions, get rid of scammers and calculate stakes. Allow up to 60 days for the payment for Bounties to be paid. Thank you for everyone who participated in the project. We will try to finish this faster than that, but I don't want to give you a short estimation and then not respect it
That is the maximum duration, it is very well possible they might get distributed earlier. Please do not remove signatures before I count them all, there is a lot of participants.
Everyone can now remove their Signatures as all stakes have been counted. Thank you for your patience. Please PM me for any questions.
Hello guys, yes Shahrul is right, the maximum duration for Bounties to be paid is 60 days, it can be faster than that though, that is the maximum time it can take. In regards to the other spreadsheets, yes I know, I still need to count the stakes for the other campaigns and answer some of your queries regarding Stox Campaign, do not worry, I will get to everyone
After all counting is done, we will have a more precise date for payment