Hi,I still have access to my account.
Here's the message I signed.
Message:Me,Aveatrex I own 165CSxCHDprjqz9g9UJQZy94Zcj1z1kTJp bitcoin adress
Signature code:HyB0E65GVEfLiS/AvTAjbhb4ojZL432KE+tZRq4nAe/oHj5S6zg9VLbFgbEQbfr4X5BMks2Cg/ODf6yalNqyWmc=
You can find this adress on my main account outbox.I have sent it to my last customer he wanted to buy 20k traffic from me for 1$ (0.0004
BTC).Here's the txid:https://blockchain.info/tx/2e56286b0c6ad246c62799f305f14fa2585fa1220a03e8aca27a7357f7f1caba
I hope you can help me Moderator
Edit:My customer username is jekjekman found him on my emails hope that helps.