December 07, 2010, 07:06:15 AM |
I'm going to drop a lot of names, it's up to the reader to fill in the details, but it's almost all there online for you to find.
I'm going to break this down into bite sized pieces in a process that will take me quite a while. There is a lot of politics involved and certainly the majority of readers will be angered and try to find fault. Such is the nature of the delusion.
The digital currency story begins almost 15 years ago but first we are going to need some background.
Now, very few people have the right mental gearing to understand what money is and where it comes from. Everyone will tell you that he is one of those few. Somebody must be wrong. Don't feel bad if you can't answer those questions correctly. You are in the majority. People use it, brood over it, worry, chase, regret it and in the end hope to have two pennies left for the ferryman. They mostly do that without ever knowing where it comes from or understanding how value is attached to it.
That horrible commie John Maynard Keynes made one statment that bears repeating here; "The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
The root of all evil is the debt based monetary system. Keynes was no stranger to evil in both his professional and private lives.
Money is loaned into existence and sold at a profit. The balance is in bonds - bonds are the chains that tie the slave to the wheel. When loans are paid off, money is extinguished.
Because money, as most people recognise it, is all debt, and because it is lent at interest, there can NEVER BE ENOUGH TO PAY DOWN ALL DEBT. There is no possible way for nations to get out of debt once into it because all the national money added together only equals the principle of the debt. The interest cannot be paid, even if we gathered up all the money and gave it back.
Understand that what gives money value is the output of human labour applied to the resources of the world. The money is written against our own value, is backed by nothing more, and is created by lending it into existence. The lenders are actually making us pay them, as nations and as individuals, for their recognising our own inherent value.
Great work if you can get it!
What Keynes, and others before and after him recognised was that, once in debt, the borrower is at the mercy of the moneylender. The nations of the West have been sucked into this morass and the democracies have been thus subverted. The governments of the West have been operating at a perpetual deficit. It's become normal that they must go to the lenders to operate. The relationship has become one where the lender is the master, and the elected leaders are subservient.
Money is not power. It is nothing without the value of the bonded humans and their valuable world. The great deception causes people to chase after money like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick. In this way the people are directed and controlled. It now takes almost half a man's valuable output to pay the interest on the debt that his government borrowed him into. He only has the other half of his work time to make his living in. Indentured and life bonded slaves at least had a tacit agreement with their master for basic human needs. In today's slavery we don't get even that. Elected governments are undermined and directed by their owners, the internationalist commercial lenders. Democracy is stagecraft and a sham.
So, in this way, hidden puppeteers control the policies and the armed forces that the citizens support though their labours.
You need to understand this background so that you can understand that not everyone works for the good of man. And the governments that you thought you elected are actually working for the real power brokers, and not in your interest at all.
OK, you might think, this is all pretty simple stuff, but it's not the majority of people who understand this. The next time you hear someone blame some government elected under this deception, imagine an angry audience throwing rotten fruit at actors on a stage. The script writer, the producer and the director are not catching the flack. When the next show starts, the actors may change, but the guy selling the tickets is still the same scoundrel he was during the last performance.
In the next installment I will try to illustrate the many ways money can work and the many ways value can be marked or stored. Once you have an understanding of why the internationalist money lenders can't allow their monopoly on money creation to be shown for the illusion that it really is, you will understand the motivation for their crimes.
Those crimes are being committed now and Bitcoin is certainly not exempt.