updated my signature.Sir, I have one question.You told that need 10 posts per week and at least 50 posts till ICO end. For some reasons, if I miss 1 week to post will you reject me? Or you only count my total 50 posts? Please confirm me.I am confused.Thank You
I'm confused too and i don't know when is the start of the weekly counting of posts.he spreadsheet is not yet updated.
The weeks are going to be counted monday to Sunday
Spreadshits for the signature campaign would unfortunately be updated only by the end of the campaign which is October 31st.
Thank you for the answer, so that means we should start posting now? but how do you know who participated earlier? It would be unfair for the one who registered earlier if the others ( the late comers ) will have the same stakes.?
It is easy to know who participated earlier. Just see the date on the spreadsheet. The dev will know who join earlier and who join in the middle of the ICO, but if the late comers is high ranked they will be have a same stakes with the earlier participant with lower rank I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong...
What I mean is that it is required to post 50 posts until the end of the campaign and all of the stakes are calculated at the end of the campaign which I think whether you've joined at the beginning and at the near end of the campaign then the stakes are the same?
The more weeks you participate the more stakes you earn
I have joined to the Signature campaign! Huray!
Its a great project! Do I understand that the main rule is to post at least 50 posts until the end of the Atlant campaign? Am I right? if it can end earlier than 31th of October, how do we know about it? let us know in advance!
Thank you for joining is!
Yes you need to make minimum 50 posts in total and at least 10 posts in a week. .
In case you don't post for a week unfortunately according to our rules you would have to register again.
But each week of participation will give you extra stakes.
Good that you joined us early)
And yes, in case the ico would finish earlier we would notify our supporters.