http://imperium.networkICO ProfileProject Type/Platform: Ethereum ERC20 Token
Totally Coin/Token Supply: 2,000,000,000 (2 billion)
Start Date: 18:00 UTC August 20, 2017End Date: 18:00 UTC August 27, 2017
Website: http://imperium.network1. What kind of problem, market deficiency or opportunity inspired you to launch your project?
We noticed that there was a 400 billion dollar underground sports betting market, and we wondered how a company could redirect those funds onto their platform. Decentralization is the perfect solution to this problem.
2. How will your project address this problem, market deficiency or opportunity in a unique way?
There are 3 impactful solutions we feel can capture the 400 billion dollar underground betting market:
1) Security - All bets are made using our MPRM tokens which are conveniently stored in escrow smart contracts, eliminating counter-party risk and allowing fast, automated payments to winning bettors. Depositing and withdrawing funds are also completely automated using the blockchain. With no human intervention required, there can be no human error. Automating event verification using site scraping tools, IBM’s Watson, and sports betting APIs.
2) No Fees - One of the main reasons there is a 400 billion dollar underground sports betting industry are the absurd fees that are charged to sports bettors. However, because of the unique nature of this emerging technology, we will be able to eliminate all fees bettors normally pay on other betting platforms. Instead of taxing our customers each time they place a bet, we will remove this externality from the system, encouraging them to place larger bets and therefore, increase the winnings for every bettor. This will create a surge in demand and an uptick in value of our MPRM coins. This natural price appreciation, inherent in the coin supply, will serve as our fee revenue as we have forty percent of coins in escrow for company funding.
3) No Betting Limits - One of iMPERIUM’s most valuable characteristics is our unlimited betting protocol. Thanks to our monumental Automated Queue Model, there are no restrictions to how much you can bet. Nowadays, only in the underground sport-betting world could someone wager $50 million on a sporting event. On our platform and with the use of our tokens, this kind of bet is entirely possible. No restrictions. No limits. With this ceiling-less structure, the $400 billion of illegal betting that takes place each year will now funnel into iMPERIUM and away from the dangerous underground betting world.
3. How do you think that competition will develop following your ICO?
There will be a few copycats who try and emulate our system, however due to our getting-to-market-first as well as our uniquely developed API's and back end systems, we will remain the number one player in the industry.
4. For all those who have read your white paper and are still on the fence about investing in your
ICO, what can you tell them that could lead them to invest in your project?
Our team is solid, our vision is straight forward, and who would want to miss out on a 400 billion dollar opportunity?
Thank you very much,
http://imperium.networkOUR WHITE PAPER: