⭐️Investor TokenStars Elena Masolova will tell how to look for and evaluate investment opportunities in blockchain⭐️ Training course
"Investments in blockchain technology" will be held for potential and current investors on the 13th of October in Moscow.
The program was developed by the National Association of Business Angels with the support of the Moscow School of Management in Skolkovo. At the training, you will learn about the blockchain technology, investment and risk management in this industry. You will have the opportunity to learn the opinions of market infrastructure providers and market participants with proven experience, including the legal aspects of the industry. Several blockchain startups will also make a presentation.
Elena Masolova, TokenStars investor, serial entrepreneur, founder at Groupon Russia, Pixonic, Eduson and the AddVenture Fund, is one of the speakers in "Search and evaluation of investment opportunities" block.
Details and registration please find here: