Given that the current block height for BTC chain is: 478,788... then either your BitcoinCore is not synced up properly... OR Armory is not talking to your Bitcoin Core properly and has not synced up it's database...
You'll need to post the db.log and armorydebug.log files (use and provide the links
I located the db.log file in the bitcoin directory but it was empty. In the armory directory, there is no armorydebug.log but a debug.log in %appdata%\bitcoin file that is 8,576KB in size. Is that the one you're looking for? If so, here are the logs from 7/31: file contains many lines like this but the research indicates that it can be ignored. Unsure...:
2017-08-03 23:12:50 UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000d97e53664d17967bd4ee50b23abb92e54a34eb222d15ae height=478913 version=0x20000002 log2_work=86.874865 tx=243756039 date='2017-08-03 23:12:05' progress=1.000000 cache=110.5MiB(33219tx) warning='12 of last 100 blocks have unexpected version'
Let me know where I should go next. Finding the Bitcoin Core db.log log may have the answer.
Here is a log called armorylog.txt: