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Author Topic: new tool: hd-wallet-derive -- for deriving private and public keys.  (Read 1025 times)
danda (OP)
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August 04, 2017, 01:09:23 AM
Merited by ABCbits (1)

I made a tool for deriving bip32 keys.   It shows xprv, xpub, privkey/wif, address all in one output table, or as json, csv, copy/paste, etc.

Here is an example run with all report columns:

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php -g --key=xprv9tyUQV64JT5qs3RSTJkXCWKMyUgoQp7F3hA1xzG6ZGu6u6Q9VMNjGr67Lctvy5P8oyaYAL9CAWrUE9i6GoNMKUga5biW6Hx4tws2six3b9c --path=m/1 --cols=all --includeroot --numderive=3

| path  | xprv                                                                                                            | xpub                                                                                                            | privkey                                              | address                            | index |
| m     | xprv9tyUQV64JT5qs3RSTJkXCWKMyUgoQp7F3hA1xzG6ZGu6u6Q9VMNjGr67Lctvy5P8oyaYAL9CAWrUE9i6GoNMKUga5biW6Hx4tws2six3b9c | xpub67xpozcx8pe95XVuZLHXZeG6XWXHpGq6Qv5cmNfi7cS5mtjJ2tgypeQbBs2UAR6KECeeMVKZBPLrtJunSDMstweyLXhRgPxdp14sk9tJPW9 | L1pbvV86crAGoDzqmgY85xURkz3c435Z9nirMt52UbnGjYMzKBUN | 1CHCnCjgMNb6digimckNQ6TBVcTWBAmPHK |       |
| m/1/0 | xprv9yJyMFmJjNAiXqf3yfT6NvWCkXo1PTdYw6x5sj6fH2ePRVL4N4wy8weFYJnMKxNEib9HFyS7pc69rE3tmw7FfWhshBc17wHcKsNHByt4SZC | xpub6CJKkmJCZjj1kKjX5gz6k4SwJZdVnvMQJKsgg7WGqNBNJHfCucGDgjxjPcHY9QZJCne3tubbtucYmpt7a7u1Xx3oNumZRVytpa2UdFjTr47 | KxcccHPiLz7sxUVShX9THgfH6i8D6m3iAkHtgGuB87Tm3maz8Jas | 1qhp7SiuVmxo3WKca7zHMkKjvjkGXs29d  |     0 |
| m/1/1 | xprv9yJyMFmJjNAiZ2NDkwj7Jcjo8AtdJTPYXF5bBLGUYh8NNid9bgAfuhNtSEco35mLrBzPPRTaA5XeezrtPxn59MsYBzjRZt6XqGW2T87JiS4 | xpub6CJKkmJCZjj1mWSgryG7fkgXgCj7hv7PtU1Byig672fMFWxJ9DUvTVhNHVA8ciGkqrwaqDW6Mvmr4ihT3EoqjgNK6s5P6C9X7UBLX5Trzw6 | KyxHznKrz1Y6jmE5fxnHh1e2AZLNCtDjnF86cZzk8F5S8nBxfqfc | 1N3vKW2KGeKocao9eae6kVyYL8GNLzW8yd |     1 |
| m/1/2 | xprv9yJyMFmJjNAibyUzvGgfpk8igy6DpCtjWQ6C5oVmXyUhqak5J2xj6K2y7o3qn22nAvt14cLjRQEXVpGRZoc3ULJHomWmkUTTPJCEaF4rZPr | xpub6CJKkmJCZjj1pTZU2JDgBt5TEzviDfcasd1ntBuP6K1giP5DqaGye7MSy5MYFWoGtVhvK8Ko2XW4JRMtKjMXctpPxcjRMjM47AqeWiZLKKN | L1AFnZ6JJyGRxLG9QoCTDzeLzLV617XtgLy8DrXCyLnPG6L1n7xo | 17XRz7oPJLUNp5uf66BeqTmSDuRwqz3aW4 |     2 |

The tool is written in PHP but can be executed from the command-line like any program.

Docs, code, and more examples are on github.

Feedback, comments appreciated.  Please report any bugs on github page. - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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August 05, 2017, 06:04:49 AM

I added support for deriving from bip39 mnemonic seed words.   cheers!

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --mnemonic="refuse brush romance together undo document tortoise life equal trash sun ask" --path="m/44'/0'/0'/0"  -g --includeroot  --numderive=2 --cols=path,address,privkey,pubkey,xprv

| path            | address                            | privkey                                              | pubkey                                                             | xprv                                                                                                            |
| m               | 15UL8r2hkZpwi7RrQzWo6fYxfzdWL8mguG | L4jtNUY2YZfARajhSzq66RCBcfB8ZaXUYVHXD3q2q8SdMGaS7HpX | 03fa47f99f33e208cf46f42bdfc120843808a6558fa77a7806124f3b00be900b4a | xprv9s21ZrQH143K2vBDZaAMUvqS1MBuyNyisggeeGiUdMpi956vyGmkX81BapU6oD2c1qHnQYETcd85Z7i4GfmBz2TCz9PDQrxHjd3W5Ty5ayu |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/0 | 14QEoz5SwQ5Kfjkhs5QitskgfD5QCqM7RB | L4X3nAcMs63daNUaWoVL6YBRh7GDsyT3mouEKLFhSeYe5PBwJbXe | 024977580921d65487194d2d84744b411cdbc19ec374bdb3fdfcf32e86e3e16830 | xprvA3rUF5RAJPotmYWqWmqEoWweV6CWVwYMA6vSGb6VCjhGFKaPuxHnveqBaBs19GPhp8unUjNBUj2TEFgbUUqsaPzF41w1SHcFUMC9jb8KCcJ |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/1 | 1B83aj2N1Dxx37C4UdNM4vE5JxVKQV1Hur | L3Ks5PyY6enhjxsevfPYfsDmCtaK6nUymPmaN1Xvszh86urom9nw | 0357e9b058d9cbaece6459537579a6b7a9822f163844cd50f94ab76ad3781f2d4d | xprvA3rUF5RAJPotoshfn98F5SpcbC2vbR2CKtKkFfr8LJ7FwmukaCCN1fbcqqefb51odUrkFxnxxTyBkUM2hQ3ymusqjtEr3CErczzT1UkhERP |
+-----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
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August 05, 2017, 06:29:13 AM

Do you  mean deriving new or existing public / private keys?
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August 05, 2017, 06:36:20 AM

Usefull stuff... I'll defenately follow your developments when i'm back at the office.

I quickly browsed part of your code
 At first sight, i couldn't detect any backdoors, just some really clean implementation of the bitwasp librarys Smiley



danda (OP)
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August 05, 2017, 02:44:14 PM

Do you  mean deriving new or existing public / private keys?

I mean deriving keys deterministically from a seed in accordance with bip32 mechanism. - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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August 05, 2017, 02:46:52 PM

thx for code review!

I quickly browsed part of your code
 At first sight, i couldn't detect any backdoors, just some really clean implementation of the bitwasp librarys Smiley - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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July 04, 2018, 02:50:07 PM
Merited by achow101 (4), aliashraf (3), ABCbits (1)

I just released version 0.3.1.  Some big improvements:

  • Support for deriving keys/addresses of 300+ altcoins, 90+ with bip44 path support.  Mostly bitcoin clones.
  • Added --gen-key flag to generate a new master key, mnemonic, seed, and extended keys for any supported cryptocurrency.
  • Use bip44 path by default when --mnemonic is specified.
  • Added --bch-format flag to display CashAddr format or regular Bitcoin format.

Here's a few examples:

Let's find what altcoins are supported.
$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --helpcoins
| Symbol             | Coin / Network                     |
| ZEC                | Zcash - Mainnet                    |
| ZEC-test           | Zcash - Testnet                    |
| ZEC-regtest        | Zcash - Regtest                    |
(340+ altcoins omitted for brevity)

Derive some Zcash addresses
$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --key=xprv9zbB6Xchu2zRkf6jSEnH9vuy7tpBuq2njDRr9efSGBXSYr1QtN8QHRur28QLQvKRqFThCxopdS1UD61a5q6jGyuJPGLDV9XfYHQto72DAE8 --cols=path,address --coin=ZEC --numderive=3 -g

| path | address                             |
| m/0  | t1V1Qp41kbHn159hvVXZL5M1MmVDRe6EdpA |
| m/1  | t1Tw6iqFY1g9dKeAqPDAncaUjha8cn9SZqX |
| m/2  | t1VGTPzBSSYd27GF8p9rGKGdFuWekKRhug4 |

Generate a new random master key, seed and extended keys for any altcoin.
$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --coin=DOGE --gen-key --format=jsonpretty -g
        "coin": "DOGE",
        "seed": "a3adc3e71ac05b3336422e6506d646e995f7bfcb960e6fca48dc13c93fae8ef3dc37a6013791ad1cfe7fe408de0e7676a9fe29b02413c79b988d54c74515d3db",
        "mnemonic": "arch hover pen regret priority sugar thunder glimpse west diagram path sword divide spread anger vendor century roof agree know treat drastic allow blind advance oil iron gold skate absorb stem shiver can pear twin helmet loan satisfy fragile admit comfort mercy pelican pupil debate tornado rifle desert",
        "master_priv_key": "dgpv51eADS3spNJh8eoSPqujdFPAhBZywAW6KQrR5TqM1Q5NMsrJmFP1hTXvfbUHLQFLmh4jVYZjXtJvKJVakn5YxT48mocEXu7yTNkCYN29cMV",
        "path": "m\/44'\/3'\/0'\/0",
        "ext_priv_key": "dgpv59SfnUBjPvKLfM453bkxJXHRfNvDQ3zAngt3fpKheqR846z9W1QYzoUz5ss4qtvLU7iBd93nw8ZXcXArpdLjuyudR2uUFH4KeV9Nes8eNeJ",
        "ext_pub_key": "dgub8tKh8A7cx4yfxCiE5qNvRNq27wHrEB1t5HfFpvigSxU8cA6qumxKe6tdf7TkUPFBoj6C8eBxofiydXy5hGf471zWZkYiy4tQ6vWqRwETdGA"
] - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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July 08, 2018, 11:50:49 AM
Merited by achow101 (2), aliashraf (2)

I just released version 0.3.2 with support for deriving ethereum addresses, as well as generating random HD master keys.  enjoy!

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --coin=ETH --mnemonic="athlete alone tent cherry motor able gym lobster mad ahead peanut anger congress segment horn hidden crater host thumb audit sugar casino produce garment tag rose planet law gather human drop analyst tank cabbage casino hybrid fun science wheel bring insect helmet million guide survey grace save top" --cols=path,address --numderive=3 -g

| path             | address                                    |
| m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 | 0x92C4210c2fbC3237efb8a93611d0E61c3936E84b |
| m/44'/60'/0'/0/1 | 0x4b7A3CFc314D92447a8F2Ebe3F7b93D469bC195b |
| m/44'/60'/0'/0/2 | 0x1702ebaA4cD9AD453ea45569e27B877338d48862 |
+------------------+--------------------------------------------+ - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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July 18, 2018, 01:00:36 PM

I just released version 0.4.0 of hd-wallet-derive.

This is a big release. The major new things are:

  • segwit support for bitcoin and most btc derived coins. (segwit keys for other coins is super highly experimental)
  • both p2sh (y) and bech32 (z) segwit addresses are supported.
  • support for LTC Ltub/Mtub style keys in addition to xpub/xpriv
  • support for LTC new style p2sh 'M' addresses.
  • lots of test cases
  • various bug fixes and enhancements.

At this moment, I believe this tool will generate keys/addresses for more blockchains (including testnets, regtest) and in more variations than any other tool on the planet.

See the readme for details and examples of using segwit keys. - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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July 21, 2018, 04:20:16 AM

bitcoin-core implements hd-wallet key derivation differently from most 3rd party wallets.

This release adds support for bitcoin-core style key derivation with these two features:

  • new flag --addr-type=[legacy|p2sh-segwit|bech32|auto]. Allows to override automatic address-type detection based on key-type.
  • x' in bip32 path to request hardened key for derived addresses. ex: --path="m/0'/0'/x'".

Here's an example:

$ /home/websites/hd-wallet-derive/hd-wallet-derive.php --path="m/0'/0'/x'" --addr-type=p2sh-segwit --cols=path,address,pubkey --numderive=3 --key=xprv9s21ZrQH143K3KeCJ5DMac7XqmriV7xVDDCV5MNE564bKUF6piF7JK6RWHVJMzQMUBbzxLaV9kNaRMHyjVnjNiLAq2SyvJJBs7ZUg4c9kcy -g

| path       | address                            | pubkey                                                             |
| m/0'/0'/0' | 3LTKKaLjr83nSCEE5gUfLzRhavU3wAdMtu | 0236ac3d8df99023e259d24754fd022af696542e25ff237bc9c835d52468b538ae |
| m/0'/0'/1' | 34dCyjA9rEtjDEZ1AUViTGxYvmNAFA3gFH | 0365d31a6168e1187202ffb30bc80b4a788d68e87909024b624d4963ff2426b339 |
| m/0'/0'/2' | 3FzQckSqoQNnzdGgn5sLRUgaE8Vxt4g4eo | 02446804c9bd85f0f782a0f4e52baa7398005b0ee54dc4eed23aeef64363a7ea99 |

Details here. - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
danda (OP)
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May 13, 2019, 12:24:28 AM
Merited by HCP (2), mocacinno (1), ABCbits (1)

It's been a while. This release adds:
  • Path presets for common wallet software, hardware wallets, and Bip standards such as Bip44, Bip49, Bip84.
  • Variables in paths for insertion of coin, account, and change values.
  • Iteration can now occur at any path level, not only the deepest level. (needed by Ledger-Live)
  • added --gen-words flag to control how many mnemonic words are created. [12..48]
    corrected ethereum private key serialization
  • minor bug fixes


Let's say we want to derive addresses for bitcoin-core software.  First, we need to find out the preset identifier for this software.

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --help-presets | head -n 7
| id                      | path                 | wallet                  | version          | note                      |
| bip44                   | m/44'/c'/a'/v/x      | Bip44 Compat            | n/a              | Bip44                     |
| bip49                   | m/49'/c'/a'/v/x      | Bip49 Compat            | n/a              | Bip49                     |
| bip84                   | m/84'/c'/a'/v/x      | Bip84 Compat            | n/a              | Bip84                     |
| bitcoincore             | m/a'/v'/x'           | Bitcoin Core            | v0.13 and above. | Bip32 fully hardened      |

If we want only the ids, we could use the command:

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php --help-presets --format=list
Deriving addresses for bitcoin-core using preset path.

Using a preset means that we do not need to know the bip32 path.  We can do:

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php -g --key=xprv9tyUQV64JT5qs3RSTJkXCWKMyUgoQp7F3hA1xzG6ZGu6u6Q9VMNjGr67Lctvy5P8oyaYAL9CAWrUE9i6GoNMKUga5biW6Hx4tws2six3b9c --numderive=3 --preset=bitcoincore --cols=path,address

| path       | address                            |
| m/0'/0'/0' | 1JsH5tzm2bphJySSLJ13AbFGP8KqJBYvG7 |
| m/0'/0'/1' | 19in8KwQy2waqzogwnVRvh2gt7EkHDGtwg |
| m/0'/0'/2' | 1CMc7jzi6ewKRzBNSCMkYzY3PU13ck6bxQ |

Deriving Change addresses for bitcoin-core using preset path.

We can use the --path-change flag for this.  requires a preset
with variable 'v' present in the path.

$ ./hd-wallet-derive.php -g --key=xprv9tyUQV64JT5qs3RSTJkXCWKMyUgoQp7F3hA1xzG6ZGu6u6Q9VMNjGr67Lctvy5P8oyaYAL9CAWrUE9i6GoNMKUga5biW6Hx4tws2six3b9c --numderive=3 --preset=bitcoincore --cols=path,address --path-change

| path       | address                            |
| m/0'/1'/0' | 1B6q1KTyaa9yLHV2HTZC1rZaSKMG8KNqsp |
| m/0'/1'/1' | 15RF1R9ZaSqgtaTVBDm1ySU5MQ6dZeTpZf |
| m/0'/1'/2' | 1DpzhgrgWuRSnQjvLiZHMG2TAjs86znvjj |

Notice that that 2nd field has changed from 0' to 1'.

Similarly, the coin and account fields of a Bip44 path (or any custom path) can hold variables so that a single path preset works for various situations. - wallet auditing   |  hd-wallet-derive - derive keys locally |  hd-wallet-addrs - find used addrs
lightning-nodes - list of LN nodes  |  coinparams - params for 300+ alts  |  jsonrpc-cli - cli jsonrpc client
subaddress-derive-xmr - monero offline wallet tool
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May 14, 2019, 09:15:11 AM

Hello guys! Im noob, need a help!

Start a new topic in the correct sub of this forum and briefly explain your issue.
Make sure to include all information which might be necessary for us to help you.

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