web :
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geJRfKBQQ group:
https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=4Asq4Dychinese topic:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2614835.0Thank you for your attention.
Smart Assets and Application Platform
A smart ecnomic distributed network, Free distribution base NEO!
About MfzbCoin获取途径
1、新人进群:606512783,有一次性奖励 1000 MFS。
3、推荐1有效用户(领币成功,并报推荐人QQ号) 奖励 300 MFS。
Coin name: Mfzbcoin
short name : MFS
Total Amount:100 million(100,000,000)
Consensus Algorithm:
dBFTBlock Time: 15s
Software:Based NEO(Thanks for the NEO community)+Community development
Innovations:Anonymous+Cross-Chain Technology+Decentralized Assets Platform
We are prepared to add Zero-knowledge Security Layer for our Blockchain Platform, This technology will extend existing privacy protections,We believe that Anonymous smart contract platforms are a future trend.
Cross-Chain protocol allows multiple participants to exchange assets across different chains and to ensure that all steps in the entire transaction process succeed or fail together. It is possible by creating a contract account for each participant using the NeoContract function. Any chain should be compatible with NeoX as long as they are compatible with NeoContract or can provide simple smart contract functionality.
Our goal is to build a low-cost Decentralized Asssets platform and a public chain platform.
LaunchLaunch date:27th May 2017,All coins has been generated through the Genius Block
2、Cross-Chain Technology
3、Decentralized Assets Platform
4、public chain
5、Lattice cryptology-quantum computer-proof technology
6、More details in the whitepaper
White paperChinese Version 1.0Web SiteOfficial Website:
2017-07-26 wallet 2.1 Launch
2017-07-08 reward btc38.com'ID
2017-07-07 wallet 2.0 Launch
2017-06-25 Official website
2017-06-14 white paper 1.0 Launch
2017-05-29 Our QQ group was created
2017-05-27 Launch Our Wallet 1.0 and First Block has been created
2017-04-04 Some ideas and lots of preparation
QQ GroupOfficial QQ Group:
606512783Downloadswallet version 2.1(Windows 7 and above):
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geJRfKB http://ou7f5nzss.bkt.clouddn.com/%E9%92%B1%E5%8C%852.1.rarsha256:704c6c3856d0845bf1112e7b033f9fe21b35ef1ca2b954b0ab88d236842ec0b5
Other TheradChinese Therad:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1981224.0Bounties1st Exchange Platform 5 Million MFS
2nd Exchange Platform 4 Million MFS
3th Exchange Platform 2 Million MFS
4th Exchange Platform 1 Million MFS
First third party coin explorer 500000 MFS
First game accept MFS 500000 MFS
First service accept MFS 500000 MFS
If you want list MFS on your platform, Please send me a PM, thanks
If you want to do something for MFS, Please PM me. We need more developers and designers
If you have ever trade on btc38.com,And you're willing to make a simple comment,You can get some MFS.(Only once)
If you join our
QQ group,You can get some MFS too,If you reach a certain level of chat and keep it,You get some MFS every week.
If a QQ group member is your recommendation and tell me your Qq number,You get some MFS too.
Other Bounties:TBA
F A Q1、Why do you develop MfzbCoin?
MFS was initially developed based on NEO open source(thanks for NEO community). we have some new ideas on how to improve it such as Anonymous,so we decide to develop Mfzbcoin.
2、What's the relationships between NEO and MFS?
We can do almost all of NEO's functions and do Cross-Chain trade with NEO.We are prepared to add Zero-knowledge Security Layer for our Blockchain Platform.
3、Do you have any plans about?
We are patient developers, we can ensure that the project is successful.All plans are being prepared.
4、Anymore questions?
Please PM me or reply here.