Hello guys!
A total of 2,812,073.4401 MyB issued!
You can check this at
https://etherscan.io/token/0x94298f1e0ab2dfad6eeffb1426846a3c29d98090Bounty Distributions
A total of 1% or 28,120.734401 tokens (~281.20734401 ETH at ICO price) will be distribuited as follows:
Translations 30% - 8,436.2203203 MyB
Signature Campaign 30% - 8,436.2203203 MyB
Twitter 20% - 5,624.1468802 MyB
Facebook 20% - 5,624.1468802 MyB
Ill wait for new address updates! If you know someone who didnt send their details, contact him!
Translation and signature spreadsheet are audited and finished! Facebook and Twitter are in audit process and final counts!
Thanks everyone, you helped alot in this succesfull ICO!
Best regards, Shooter!