DMarket is a global marketplace to turn every virtual item into a real commodity. This paper discusses how we combine blockchain technologies and seven years of industry experience to bring this billion dollar market into the global economy. All the time people spend playing on their mobile, PC, console or any other platform could be finally worth something. Essentially, DMarket is a new ecosystem where gamers, developers and entrepreneurs can efficiently and securely evaluate and trade virtual items. Without risk of technical bugs or malicious parties. Thus actually building a new economic cluster joining existing markets.
ANN thread: link:
https://dmarket.ioWhitepaper: link:
About this campaign
We are looking for max. 30 participants in this campaign of which 8 would be members, 9 full members, 9 sr. members and 4 hero/legendary members.
Members: 0.00023 BTC/post
Full members: 0.00033 BTC/post
Sr. members: 0.00045 BTC/post
Hero/legendary: 0.0005 BTC/post
Each round will end on Saturday @6:30am forum time and payments will be made by
MEHow to Join
1. Wear the appropriate avatar(full members+) and signature for your rank given below.
2. Reply to this thread in the given format:
Post count:
Profile link:
BTC Address:
Avatar must be set to:
Important rules
1. You should be atleast a "member" or above to be able to join this campaign.
2. Negative trusted members are not allowed.
3. You should make minimum 10 posts in a week and maximum 30 posts/week will be counted.
4. Your posts must be atleast 75 characters long.
5. Posts such as "hi", "thanks", "bye", etc. will not be paid.
6. Posts made in Local boards, Lending, Games & rounds, Off topic, Micro earnings, investor based games, politics & society, beginners & help, Archival and any other signature or social campaign threads (including this thread) will not be counted.
7. If a user gets banned from the forum, receives a negative trust or is found spamming during the week, then he will be kicked off from this campaign without any payment.
8. If a user is unable meet the minimum posts criteria for two weeks in a row, then he will be out of this campaign and cannot reapply for the next two weeks.
9. Multiple accounts are not allowed to join.
Code for Hero/Legendary

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[td][center][url=][size=15px][glow=#03202b,2,300][font=century gothic][color=#03202b].......[/color][b][color=white]Dmarket[/color][color=#03202b]........[/color][/glow][/size]
[font=century gothic][b][size=8pt][color=#00ccbe]Make Virtual Assets Real[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td]
[url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe][size=12pt]Ann Thread [/size][/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe][size=12pt] Whitepaper[/size][/color][/b][/font][/url]
[td][center][url=][size=15px][font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Token Sale[/color][/size]
[font=century gothic][b][size=8pt][color=#03202b]17th of August[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td]
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Code for Sr.

[center][table][tr][td][font=monospace][size=2px][color=#00ccbe] [color=#00ddaf]▄██[/color][color=#00aca9]█████[/color][color=#00bdb4]█████[/color]█████████▄
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[td][center][url=][size=15px][font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Dmarket[/color][/size]
[font=century gothic][b][size=8pt][color=#00ccbe]Make Virtual Assets Real[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td]
[url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe][size=12pt]Ann Thread [/size][/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe][size=12pt] Whitepaper[/size][/color][/b][/font][/url]
[td][center][url=][size=15px][font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Token Sale[/color][/size]
[font=century gothic][b][size=8pt][color=#03202b]17th of August[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td]
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Code for Full

[center][url=][color=#00ccbe]▬▬[/color] [font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Dmarket[/color][/b][/font] [color=#03202b]║[/color] [font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe]Make Virtual Assets Real[/color][/b][/font] [color=#03202b]║[/color] [font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Dmarket[/color][/b][/font] [color=#00ccbe]▬▬[/color]
[font=century gothic][b][color=#03202b]Token Sale Starts 17th of August[/color][/b][/font][/url]
[url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe]Ann Thread [/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe] Whitepaper[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe] Twitter[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe] Slack[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#03202b]☰[/color][url=][font=century gothic][b][color=#00ccbe] Telegram[/color][/b][/font][/url][/center]
Code for Member
[center][url=]▬▬[/url] Dmarket ║ [url=]Make Virtual Assets Real[/url] ║ Dmarket [url=]▬▬[/url]
Token Sale Starts 17th of August
[url=]Ann Thread [/url] ☰[url=] Whitepaper[/url] ☰[url=] Twitter[/url] ☰[url=] Slack[/url] ☰[url=] Telegram[/url][/center]