August 12, 2017, 07:48:40 AM |
Some of you remember back around 2010 some of the folks at SeaSteading.Org - not necessarily official SSO folks - had an idea to create 2 inch tall models of seasteads to serve as a toys in bathtubs…super cheap…followed by a larger one to show off in pools, then one for lakes, then one a person could fit on top of… each would be sold to fund the next escalation until there was one so big it really was a seastead! I kept checking back and nothing ever seemed to really happen with this first rate idea. Then I wandered off for years.
A second question would be whether blockchain technology might be capable of jump starting this idea…and how *you* think that might best work. The brainstorm here would be creating a crypto coin or token, presumably with an ICO. It would have a set amount of its value poured into the scalable seastead project. Perhaps there is now a way to make that money go where it is supposed to in a trustless or smart-contract fashion. I’m not planning to do this myself … I’m a mountain person, not a beach boy lol. But what is wrong with this idea, if anything? I want the steaders to succeed. So I may write an article or something that lists some options. Anyway, maybe you have a better idea; what do you think would work best?