This does nothing for your "rep", either one of you. Certainly nothing good, at least.
It's contrived, staged. "EVERYONE!! LOOK AT HOW TRUSTWORTHY I AM!!!"
It's like trying to buy friends. It just doesn't work that way.
1.) Staged? I have never met the guy in my life, trust me you can read the entire message log before the trade was initiated.
2.) Ever heard of "feedback"? It's only how the most successful auction website has been run for the past 15 years. You have to start somewhere.
3.) There is no "buying friends", it is simply showing you have past business history that was successful so you can continue buying and selling and having nice smooth transactions. There is Escrow, Stickied feedback threads, and even BTC-otc to protect yourself and show who the "bad guys" are and a "scammer" mark of people who have been proven to stay away from. Reputation just shows who is an active positive member of the community, along with their forum activity which you are allowed to view. It does not get much easier than that. It is actually a very good source of reputability used on a large amount of websites. In fact when you read a "review" on amazon, it is essentially the same thing.
4.) Henchman24 flaming the reputation idea saying
It just doesn't work that way.
the day a "trust" feature is added to everyone's profile might be the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. Irony!!

Obviously the people running this website think it does, therefore your opinion is invalid. It's not always easy being the village idiot, huh?
GOOD DAY SIR!!Thanks for the great trade, can't wait to do more business on the forums!!