Greetings!What are the price expectations? After a month? After a year?
MNT has a limited supply and they are used as stake in PoS (proof-of-stake) consensus algorithm. The more transactions there are within GoldMint blockchain the bigger rewards miners get and the more is demand for MNT.
Is that your model have so-called dividends? Can I have passive income of holding? Explain
The more MNT a validator holds, the more blocks he can validate and add to the chain. As a result miner gets 75% in GOLD equivalent from the commissions for the transactions validated.
In case at the moment of block validation the miner doesn’t have enough computational power to validate the block or in case he cannot do this for some other reasons he can be deleted from the White List of reliable miners and will lose the right to accomplish a block.
In this case the right to validate blocks goes over to another user who has been chosen by GoldMint algorythm.
To become a validator all you need is to download GoldMint Wallet app from the official website and launch it using your GoldMint account.
In case a user who holds many MNT doesn’t have enough computational power, he can rent computational power from other miners.
Can MNT holders participate in GoldMint company management?
Is GoldMint a DAO?
The internal MNT token does not give rights to participate in company management of GoldMint and is not a share.
MNT tokens holders recieve a right to vote on GoldMint platform proportionally to the number of tokens they hold.
This means that in case some changes are to take place within GoldMint platform, MNT tokens holder vote on whether to accept it or not.
With regards,