Ho ho ho! Have you been good? Then CryptoSanta may bring you a present!
AIRDROP – SantaToken (SANTA)12-24 December 2017GET FOR FREE
Up to 12 SantaTokens (12 ETH face value) per wallet
Up to 1000 participants
Up to 12000 SantaTokens totalNO posts -- NO tweets -- NO signatures -- NO googlesheets -- No hassleTo participate, write CryptoSanta a letter. How? Just open contract SantaToken2017 0xD3B227b8623eFD2759b232AacB47d02f214EF134 and provide your Ethereum wallet address. Wait for a while and at some time before Christmas, CryptoSanta will come and drop 12 brand new shiny SantaTokens in your wallet!
That's true – 12 SantaTokens, at face value of 1 ETH each! But only good kids will get a free gift form CryptoSanta!
How does CryptoSanta know you've been good all year? Well, by seeing if you saved your pennies! You will be given SantaTokens in the amount equal to the balance on your Ethereum wallet at the moment of airdrop. CryptoSanta may come at
ANY time, so make sure you stay alert!
Request you
FREE SantaTokens
Merry Xmas everyone! ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
The airdrop will happen on or before December 25, 2017. We will issue SantaTokens in the order bids were received, until all 12000 SantaTokens run out. For each 1 ETH in your wallet, 1 SantaToken will be issued. Maximum limit of SantaTokens you can get is 12 (face value of 12 ETH). If you do not have 12 ETH in your wallet, you will get less SantaTokens.
To place an airdrop bid, you need to call Ethereum contract 0xD3B227b8623eFD2759b232AacB47d02f214EF134 and call function bid
One possible way to do so is:
1. Go to
https://www.myetherwallet.com/#contracts2. Paste in Contract Address field:
3. Paste in ABI/JSON Interface field:
4. Click ACCESS
5. When Read/Write Contract is displayed, select
6. Select a method that you will use to log on to your wallet.
7. Press WRITE
8. Select Amount=0 and Gas Limit=68542 (at least)
Terms of the placement:
- You must submit an airdrop request to Ethereum contract 0xD3B227b8623eFD2759b232AacB47d02f214EF134by providing your ETH wallet number;
- No payment or action is required to collect SantaToken;
- You may cancel your airdrop at any time;
- Requests for SantaTokens are collected beginning immediately and will no longer be accepted on or before UTC-9 23:59 December 24, 2017 at the sole discretion of the Santa2017 contract administrator;
- SantaTokens are assigned to requesting wallets in the order requests were received;
- Any wallet can participate only once during the airdrop event;
- SantaTokens will be issued in the amount equal to current balance of ETH in the requesting wallet at the time when airdrop is executed;
- Any single person, physical or legal, is eligible to claim up to 12 SantaTokens for itself only, transferring an airdrop request to another person is not permitted and may result in cancellation of the request;
- Submitting multiple bids on behalf of a single person by providing multiple wallet addresses controlled by this person, or by any other method are not allowed, and if detected, such bids will be canceled and all SantaTokens allocated to such a person withdrawn without compensation;
- SantaTokens are issued for possible further business and/or community and/or research use; no further representations are made at this time;
- SantaToken contract is available for audit from https://github.com/Crypto-Santa
- SantaTokens do not represent legal or any other claims against any property, obligation, asset or security, or any obligation on behalf of the issuer or recipient;
- Residents and citizens of the following countries are not eligible: Canada, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Republic of Singapore, United States of America and its dependent territories, United Kingdom;
Additional restrictions many be applied if local regulations change during of after the airdrop process.