I bought 0.1 Bitcoin in 2013 and forgot it for a while. Now I see the value growing non stop and I'd like to update it in a current wallet
The problem is... I didn't really saved it seriously.
- The wallet was installed on a phone I don't own anymore and a laptop I formated since
- I don't remember the software I used to keep the wallet
I copied a file on a USB key to save it. There is a text file on it, with 2 strings, but I don't remember what it is supposed to be and how to use it.
- The first is 75 char, the second is 52char
- The 52 char string start with a "G" (I seen that compressed private key of 52 char are supposed to start with K or L)
- There is "+"s and "/"s in both, so I guess it is base 64
- If it is password protected I suppose I know it
Is there a way to get it back or I lost it definitely