Thanks for the feedback =)
It's running since 1:30pm UTC+1, so no older data available, sorry.
Found no place where to get historical trading data
From the MtGox API? Just use go back as far as you want.
Looks cool though. I'd change "Buying" to "RALLY!" and "Selling" to "CRASH!?". A little more dramatic. =)
EDIT: This will start getting all trades on 00:00:00 April 14th 2013. just loop it until you catch up. =)
Edit2: Just use the last tid you get and call it again. I'd add a little delay so you don't piss off MtGox. I have the data but this should be fairly easy for you to figure out.
Thanks, i will look into getting all trades i can and put them into my db.
Buying = RALLY / Selling = CRASH? In the 1M time frame? I wouldn't do that :p
Very cool! Could you add "ghostly" indicators to show the previous values for the same time window a short while ago (maybe from a moving window) to help show how the trend is changing?
Hmm... Hope that's clear!
I already thought about making this tool more informative, we'll see what comes next. Thanks
I found a use for an old smartphone. It will sit propped on my desk.
Never thought it worked on smartphones. Actually i tried it with a slow EDGE connection and it failed. At home with wireless lan it works.
One other suggestion - instead of using a droplist for the time frame, could you make them a series of links across the bottom? It seems good to look at various time frames, but its a bit of a pain to select from the droplist each time. But again - very nice!
Oh and - bookmarked!
Sounds good, that's what i'm going to do next.