Hey all!
Just writing this to let you all know of a website I am currently developing with the help of a member of BitTask (excellent website by the way). The website is nothing specifically "new" but it puts a twist in other ways this has been done before.
Whats so new about this!?:Currently a lot of people that are exchanging BTC for MoneyPak do it manually which in turn takes in upwards of 12-24 Hours - KoukanExchange plans to have it all automated. At any given time there will be 10-20 MP numbers for "sale" which will be sent to the buyer after 6 confirmations - Less than 30 minutes. We are planning on opening the automated part of the website by 5/20 (Hopefully) and will have a couple low priced MP so people will form trust with us; we are planning on being around for a while.
Whats the cost?:We will be getting the price from "BlockChain" and then adding a 7% fee. Thats it! No 5$ on top of everything. Just a 7% flat fee whether you are buying 30$ or 500$!
Questions or ideas for us?Email us at
Support@KoukanExchange.com - Or PM me here.
Thank you!