I have been testing some AutoSwitch miners for over 2 weeks
And here is my observation,
Please share your experience.
So we can make it better.
I tried
MegaMiner and
Nemosminer all are amazing softwares with Zpool and MiningPoolHub.
So in an ideal auto switch mining system switcher check for rates from pools and start mining what is best based on the info it gathered in a given time from pools and your hash rates.
It will continue to mine the coin until a better coin pops up. usually it mines between 3 to 10 minutes.
If miners used to get to their top hash speed at start we would have got lots of profit, but as we all know miners take 30 to 90 second to warm up and reach the optimum speed
So we lose nominal of 60 second on each switch, if miner switch every 5 to 10 minute we lose around 10% to 20% here.
Then comes the AutoExchange.
If you set Auto Exchange which we usually do, We know there is a 4-6 hours delay on most pools to exchange the coin.
Pool told our miner at some point that a coin is at optimum now, but does the exchange of that coin 4-6 hours later will give us same profit ?
Also there is txfee, excahnge fee and some coins may havent reach minimal amount of trade and send back to pool.
I also tested 2 identical rigs (6x1070 both) one on Zpool autoswitch other on claymore dual eth+sia for 2 days, then same for MiningPoolHub,
and I havent got much more than claymore dual mining on same periods.
So please share your thoughts and experience ...