Hello! I have a question. I made a few reposts on Twitter and Facebook - but in the office is not counted, by zeros. Need time to wait?A day passed, but nothing could be considered (
Have you followed the rules
Twitter Bounty Rules.(a)Be following our Twitter page on @PowerLedger_io;
(b)Approve read-only access to your twitter account to our Bounty
Registration system when you register;
(c) Only register one Twitter account for participation;
(d)Have a Twitter account that is more than 4 months old;
(e)Keep the Power Ledger tweets on your Twitter until the distribution of
all Bounty Rewards has been concluded;
(f) Ensure all tweets have the hashtag #POWRtoken, unless you are
retweeting a tweet already contains the hashtag;
Initially additional points will be allocated proportional to the Participant’s
number of followers and connected friends associated with their twitter
account. The number of twitter followers counts from the day the bounty
begins. Subsequent qualifying tweets or re-tweets will be rewarded as shown
in the above table.
Twitter failures beyond the control of Power Ledger will result in reward
points being unaccounted for in the Bounty Rewards system.
Rules for Facebook Bounty are:To be eli gi bl e to parti ci pate i n the Facebook Ca mpai gn you must :
(a) Like our Page on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/powerledger;(b) Authorize Power Ledger’s Facebook App to access your user profile and
10% of your total Facebook friends will be used as “bonus” reward points at
the time you register.
Facebook failures beyond the control of Power Ledger will results in reward
points being unaccounted for in the Bounty Rewards system.
The Power Ledger Facebook page can be found here -
https://www.facebook.com/powerledger/As I understand it, only retweets with a hashtag #POWRtoken from the day of entry into the bounty are counted. Correctly?