I have seen too many people financially hurt by scammers
It is really giving bitcoin and cryptos a very bad name
It is very easy to setup a website to sell what you do not have,
the website's can look very smick for very little, and will
fool many unwary miners and newbies.
Its all about trust, you stated here and on ebay of your
unblemished record over years selling, and saying you
"have been trusted for years"
OK, back it up, where have you been trusted.
your ebay rating is 11 from 64 positive trades
All these trades were you buying, there is not one
trade from you selling anything. 57 of these trades
were with the same seller, and that seller sells items
for as little as .99cents with free post and leaves positive
feedback for every trade.
You say you have been trusted for many years since 2006 on ebay,
over 90% of your trades were in the last 12 months,
basically before the last 12months you had no history at all.
Yes it is the same modus operandi as and, ebay is used to get attention to the
website of the seller, to get the unsuspecting buyer to think
that the linked or mentioned site is legitimate, or to give
credence to its authenticity and get traffic to that site
The buyer is then tempted to pay in BTC either by a discount
or in your case buy a premium of 6% charge for
anyone wanting to use paypal
I stand by my claim that used the same
pic of the S9 sitting on a purple foam mat, with another
brown woven matting underneath that, did you take that
pic or did you copy it from somewhere else
Please answer this question
you say on ebay
Lets check our story on our company website asic24
OK how long has asic24 been running, there is no history
is there, what a week, and when you go to asic24 and check out your
story it says
"We started our activity in 1999. Through this years we were consistently building leader position including new products in our offer. In 2011 we launched our first e-store, and we are still gaining new experience and extending fields of our activity.
Thanks to our Partner, we are offering simple, safe and transparent purchasing process.
Our client’s satisfaction is the most important for us, that’s why we are doing our best to realize orders ASAP, and provide the best quality of our products. Thanks to involvement of our experts the purchasing in our store is pure pleasure."
OK, what was the website you started in 2011, where is the
glowing feedback from the last 6 years of selling miners
I will give you some trust, if you can show me evidence
or proof of actually selling miners on these auction sites
that you have been using for years to sell your miners
What you have offered so far proves NOTHING
It looks like you breached ebays listing policies, you mentioned
but not linked your site, and you cross sold other items being
L3+ and D3
Trust is earned over years, you have come here and said that
you are trustworthy, but shown very little to back this claim up
Prove it, before trying to sell millions of dollars of mining equipment
Hello Bigsky
I also know some people who have been cheated and have not received their goods. As I mentioned, I had the same situation. Of course, Bitcoin and other crypto lose credibility in such situations. It should not be like this. But there are many greedy people in the world who want to make money by cheating others. You can not generalize because it happens in many industries not just on the mining market.
I think Blockchain technology is the greatest achievement in the ability to deliver money and turn it around since the first paper money. I think the banks have lost their credibility by their greed and over control on their customers. Standard money has long been ineffective, reprinted, uncovered, in many cases unreasonable in use. Only blockchain creates so many possibilities. That's why I can not tolerate all the scammers who cast a bad light on crypto with fraudulent transactions.
Going back to ebay is just as I wrote above. I have a good opinion and nothing has faltered. This confirms that I am verbal. Not all things were as cheap as you write. Those that you mentioned are electronic components. Cheap but very necessary for the various projects I work on.
As for the site Which you are talking about, I do not know. I have no habit of judging others if I do not have enough knowledge. Unfortunately, you judge me and throw accusations without foundation. You know what was the reason for their site being suspended? I do not know and I'm not interested. I am interested in my company and my brand, which I am building. As I have already mentioned, we have sold so far a lot of antminers. The best proof of our work will be users who will receive their excavators in September. Their references will be the best proof. Also in a year and two, three and for years to come we will be selling miners, because it is a dynamic market that is constantly developing. If you do not trust now, I understand. I am glad that others trusted and gave us a chance. Our credibility will be confirmed by their opinions.
You talk about high commissions, I mean PayPal. Unfortunately, this company is very expensive and makes life difficult for entrepreneurs. But unfortunately it is also one of the best known in the market as a payment processor. After the recalculation of costs, it turns out that they do not even charge 6% of the initial payment. They count much more at least 8.27% each deposit. Check out the calculations in the table on our website:, on days we will change the payment to and
Without comparing (to paypal) alot of better the approach to the company, the safety and the lowest commissions.
Paypal with them is an outdated bank.
Picture S9, I did not take this picture. I'm not the author of it.
It was meant to serve as a preview of the equipment the buyer is bidding on.
Writing about page history. Asic24 is new. That true. But before I bought this domain, I sold a lot of antminers privately. Store with mining equipment Is a natural step in development. You can easily manage orders and shipments. Make new goods and contact the customers. I have been operating the computer market in Poland for many years, and with my partner we have provided advanced IT solutions. After many years I resold my shares and started selling individually. This year, I decided to build the brand
If you are asking for proof, they are the contracts I signed with private individuals. However, because of its nature and records I can not publish their content, unless you understand. Of course, as I said before, you do not have to trust us. However, along with
The next few months you will find that we are a reliable, honest brand delivering digging machines and other network accessories.
As for the rules on ebay they are interpreting it like they are comfortable. I treat ebay only as a promotion. Real sales with serious customers are conducted outside eBay. Yes, trust builds years. We are doing it. We patiently build our position. I do not think there is neccessary any evidence, that we are doing well. The best example would be the number of equipment already sold, on our website,
from the very start!
Stockings at 01.09.2017
Antminer D3 September: sold 10 of 10 ordered; 0 available
Antminer D3 October First Batch: sold 25 of 50 ordered; 25 available
Antminer L3 + October First Batch: sold 16 of 50 ordered: 34 available
Antminer L3 + October Second Batch: sold 9 of 40 ordered: 31 available
Antminer S9 14TH / s November First Batch: sold 27 of 50 ordered: 23 available
At this pace, we will sell everything until the end of the month.
Do you know a shop that can boast of such numbers since the beginning of the launch? This is another reason, that many people already trusted us, and will confirm in their opinions.
Thank you