you have 2 unconfirmed transactions, the first has a very low fee of ~11 sat/byte, you used the change from this unconfirmed, low fee, transaction to create a new transaction (also having a very low fee of ~15 sat/byte).
You can solve this problem by submitting the parent transaction (11 sat/byte) to viabtc's txaccelerator (like i told you in my previous post)... wait untill viabtc puts your tx in a block and succesfully mines it, then re-broadcast the child transaction (15 sat/byte). Once it's rebroadcasted, also add it to viabtc's txaccelerator.
This procedure will probably take several hours, but it has a *reasonable* chance of succeeding, since both your fees were > 10 sat/byte (which is the minimum fee to get accepted by viabtc).