I am using Manjaro 64-bit Cinnamon Community Edition, Manjaro is based on Arch Linux. I just built Armory 0.96.2 from the newly updated (stable) master branch, and installed it, in order to try out the new version. Unfortunately I am still having a problem with 0.96.2 which I also had with 0.96.1. Starting with an online watching wallet freshly restored from a digital backup, I create a new unsigned transaction using the coin control menu to select my input(s). I save the unsigned transaction to a USB drive, for offline signing, sign it, and broadcast it. Now, if I want to create another transaction, when I click on the coin control button which would normally open the coin control menu, Armory freezes. Actually perhaps "freeze" isn't the most accurate description. What happens, is the coin control menu does not open, and the armory GUI will not respond to clicks, however, I can still move and minimize the armory wallet window, and the armory main window, but cannot close them. It almost seems like the coin control menu opens, but isn't being displayed, which would mean the other windows wouldn't respond to clicks, or attempts to close them, until I first closed the coin control menu, which of course I wouldn't be able to do, because it isn't showing up. I have included the log from the session when armory "froze" after using the coin control. I replaced occurrences of possible sensitive information with X's. I performed the following actions during this session: opened Armory, created transaction using coin control to select inputs, saved unsigned transaction to USB, closed "offline transaction" menu, opened
wallet "send bitcoins" menu, clicked on "coin control". At this point Armory becomes unresponsive and I killed ArmoryQT and ArmoryDB using the system monitor.
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1147 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:672 - Executing popen: free -m
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:672 - Executing popen: ['cat', '/proc/cpuinfo']
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1264 -
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1265 -
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1266 -
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1267 - ************************************************************
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1268 - Invoked: /usr/bin/../lib/armory/ArmoryQt.py
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1269 - ************************************************************
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1270 - Loading Armory Engine:
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1271 - Armory Version : 0.96.2
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1272 - Armory Build: : None
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1273 - PyBtcWallet Version : 1.35
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1274 - Detected Operating system: Linux
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1275 - OS Variant : --
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1276 - User home-directory : /home/uncle
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1277 - Satoshi BTC directory : /home/uncle/.bitcoin
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1278 - Armory home dir : /home/uncle/.armory/
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1279 - Detected System Specs :
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1280 - Total Available RAM : 31.36 GB
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1281 - CPU ID string : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1282 - Number of CPU cores : 8 cores
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1283 - System is 64-bit : True
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1284 - Preferred Encoding : UTF-8
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1285 - Machine Arch : x86_64
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1286 - Available HDD (ARM) : 216 GB
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1287 - Available HDD (BTC) : 216 GB
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1288 -
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1289 - Network Name: Main Network
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1290 - Satoshi Port: 8333
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1291 - Do wlt check: True
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1292 - Named options/arguments to armoryengine.py:
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - thread_count : -1
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - rescan : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - ignoreAllZC : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - rescanBalance : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - disableModules : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - port : None
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - interport : 8223
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - coverageOutputDir: None
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - forceWalletCheck: False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - regtest : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - rebuild : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - nettimeout : 2
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - datadir : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - clearMempool : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - offline : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - armoryDBDir : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - armorydb_port : 9001
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - satoshiPort : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - useTorSettings : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - netlog : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - keypool : 100
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - coverageInclude : None
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - forceOnline : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - redownload : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - rpcBindAddr :
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - armorydb_ip :
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - multisigFile : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - ram_usage : -1
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - mtdebug : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - logDisable : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - settingsPath : /home/uncle/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - language : en
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - db_type : DB_FULL
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - doDebug : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - enableDetSign : True
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - disableConfPermis: False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - testnet : False
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - rpcport : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - satoshiHome : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - satoshiRpcport : DEFAULT
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - logFile : /home/uncle/.armory/ArmoryQt.py.log.txt
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - verbosity : None
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1295 - Other arguments:
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1298 - ************************************************************
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1701 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3562 - Using settings file: /home/uncle/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3719 - Unsupported language specified. Defaulting to English (en)
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3722 - Using Language: en
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- BDM.py:355 - Using the asynchronous/multi-threaded BlockDataManager.
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- BDM.py:356 - Blockchain operations will happen in the background.
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- BDM.py:357 - Devs: check TheBDM.getState() before asking for data.
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- BDM.py:358 - Registering addresses during rescans will queue them for
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- BDM.py:359 - inclusion after the current scan is completed.
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3562 - Using settings file: /home/uncle/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2061 - loadWalletsAndSettings
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2121 - Loading wallets...
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2186 - Number of wallets read in: 1
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2191 - Wallet (XXXXXXXXX): "Primary Wallet (Watch) " (No Encryption)
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2196 - Loading Multisig Lockboxes
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1763 - acquiring process mutex...
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1395 - setupUriRegistration
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:672 - Executing popen: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/bitcoin/command
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:672 - Executing popen: xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/bitcoin
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:566 - Usermode: Expert
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1698 - Changing usermode:
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1699 - From: Expert
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1707 - To: Expert
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1836 - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1872 - setSatoshiPaths
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (WARNING) -- SDM.py:396 - Spawning DB with command: ArmoryDB --db-type="DB_FULL" --cookie --satoshi-datadir="/home/uncle/.bitcoin/blocks" --datadir="/home/uncle/.armory/" --dbdir="/home/uncle/.armory/databases"
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:672 - Executing popen: ['ArmoryDB', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--cookie', '--satoshi-datadir="/home/uncle/.bitcoin/blocks"', '--datadir="/home/uncle/.armory/"', '--dbdir="/home/uncle/.armory/databases"']
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1824 - Connecting on port 52768
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1924 - Setting netmode: 1
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1906 - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1924 - Setting netmode: 1
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:26 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:26 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:26 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:26 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:26 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:29 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4670 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-08-27 11:16:57 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4944 - New Block! : 482242
2017-08-27 11:16:57 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4952 - Current block number: 482242
2017-08-27 11:19:52 (INFO) -- TxFrames.py:1658 - Saving unsigned tx file: /run/media/uncle/SANDISK/armory_XXXXXXXX_.unsigned.tx
2017-08-27 11:20:21 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4944 - New Block! : 482243
2017-08-27 11:20:21 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4952 - Current block number: 482243
2017-08-27 11:23:06 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4944 - New Block! : 482244
2017-08-27 11:23:06 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4952 - Current block number: 482244