Ever wondered why this is:
503,471.36029207 HEAT
Effective bal:
503,471.00000000 HEAT
Latest Transactions
Height Id Time Info
5362 5550932140867006372 2017-01-28 18:41:51 TRANSFER HEAT From 6427980612211958229 to 2898601473431954685 amount 0.10000000 HEAT
0 13370139037344962659 2013-11-24 12:00:00 TRANSFER HEAT From HEAT blockchain Genesis account to 2898601473431954685 amount 499,999.96029207 HEAT
and have a look at this:
https://heatwallet.com/#/explorer-account/8881398431621852760Both are the DEV account that get unlocked one year after the genesis block. Both should have exactly 500k Heat
Here is what the heat sourcecode says about it:
public static final long DEV_BONUS_ACCOUNT_1;
public static final long DEV_BONUS_ACCOUNT_2;
public static final int DEV_BONUS_ACCOUNT_HEIGHT = 1250000;
DEV_BONUS_ACCOUNT_1 = Long.parseUnsignedLong("8881398431621852760");
DEV_BONUS_ACCOUNT_2 = Long.parseUnsignedLong("2898601473431954685");
here is the genesis block:
"amount": 49999996029207,
"signature": "825e0e11a0d61894e280403f6d220578704e96d42dbadb134abe843c36e438095d5c9485b3ed496
"publicKey": "10a164ad3556342cfca61b680da5b0f8ab2d0596dbbbd76b1727614f2bc66c26",
"account": "2898601473431954685"
"amount": 49999996029206,
"signature": "234acfe07a5d44a24fddd19c5ef53be72b1f3d410ebaed0876f39c0d6bc481038cfd00d67632780
"account": "8881398431621852760"
Seems a bit fishy right?