This shows how many bitcoins you can make in a year with 1GH. For instance if I think difficulty will be 13% for the next year and I'm going to be getting my FPGA at July of this year. Lets say this is a 300MH about the best you can do is 2
So with 1GH in July at 13% you would get almost 3
At 300MH that's less than 1
BTC in a year.
As you can see if you were going to run a card for a year starting in March next yer you'd only get 1/4 of a coin.
Anyway if that's hard to understand it looks like you would spend about 2
BTC and get back less than 1.5 in two years. This is without electricity.
Does this mean you won't get paid back? No, the price will probly go up and you'll get your electricity back + some.
This is just saying that you're not going to make your coins back, you would have done better in the long run buying