And a few goodies on purpose

What kind of goodies?!
A couple of in-jokes, a smattering of personal messages, a poem, i think - and some ascii art. Also recently some hubbub about someone encoding a few nasty URLs in there.
So if the bitcoin community agreed, they could update btc so that all computers currently mining bitcoin spend some of the computational power towards the development of a benevolent AI? It seems possible to me on some level considering the amount of computational power dedicated to bitcoin is now greater than what? The top 10 supercomputers combined?
It's also already in a structure closer to a human brain right? A decentralized network? Of course this is decades away, but if the right people started developing basic ideas under the assumption that bitcoin would adopt the change, they would be years ahead of anyone developing software meant to be run on a single supercomputer, right?
Just from sci-fi based speculation and whatnot, I'm going to say the advantage here is with the so called "supercomputers". I say so-called because most of those are clusters now.
So, what's the advantage to a cluster in a single building over a cluster spread globally, if the computing power advantage is 10x to the global cluster?
Latency. Just my thought. A network like this is good for iterative tasks. Not very good for random processing activities and unable to even work a real queue without some form of centralization.
Perhaps it could "live" in a supercomputer cluster, and use the larger global network for augmented capacity and offloading appropriate tasks.
At least, that's how it usually goes (in the sci-fi). After that, it's us or them so I'm not sure how hard you want to try