I'm sorry but why I have zero stakes for 7th and 7th week? I made more than you want and have zero
Please, provide a report that specifies you Bounty Compaign, spreadsheet number and links to your posts so we could check the information.
A week in the campaign bounty starts on Mondays and ends on Sunday? Or somehow different?
Do I have to write a report on the campaign's Twitter?
Bounty Compaign reporting week lasts from Saturday till Friday. Reports are not required, but we can ask for one in case of stakes' issues.
Good afternoon.
As far as I understood, it is not necessary to make reports here in the subject.
If possible, please change my rank. Now my rank reached
Member Thank you.
Yes, reports are not required.
Your rank was changed
Дoбpый дeнь!
Пpoшy вac в твиттepe и фeйcбyкe зaмeнить мoй эфиpoвcкий кoшeлeк нa вoт этoт 0xC80f3F33DAe177528Fe73439C9f6Dce7b00598Bd a тoт пocлeднee вpeмя глючит, и вoзмoжнo пpи oтпpaвкe тoкeнoв нa cтapый aдpec эфиp мoй,выдacт y вac oшибкy пpи oтпpaвкe мнe тoкeнoв зa пpoдeлaннyю paбoтy!
Зapaнee вac блaгoдapю.
Moй Bitcointolk Yalovtsev
Twitter name Yalovtsev
Twitter URL
https://twitter.com/yalovtsev7Facebook link
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016038819374Hello! When the ICO ends before distributing the steaks, you will be able to submit a request to change your ETH purse address.