[DONE] Forum: signature + avatar
[DONE] Twitter: retweeted 5 tweets (easy to verify) + posted a new one:
https://twitter.com/stefek99/status/911886235827888128[DONE] Facebook: reposted 4 times (easy to verify) + posted a new one:
https://www.facebook.com/mstefanow/posts/10155783702504886[in progress]: Translation: website, white paper, ANN thread = as many as possible - messaging the campaign manager
[in progress]: Blog + Video
I'm actively looking for most exciting projects in the space, I've been around, here my CV:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iFO_mhmsErnZMzy56Y8WTqciK_uMu-fUOS5k8pqUoaY/edit(sorry not sorry, living life unapologetically)