looks intresting, my main concern is the small team. I only count 2 developers.
Here is a list of the IO team, it's a bit out of date though. There has been a new developer hired who is not on the list, and also a new designer and web developer too. So, there are quite a few people working on this project...
Joel Bosh (Founder, Developer, Project Manager)
Richard Groen (Partnership and Investor relations)
Leader Developer: Derek Hatton
C++, RPC Lead Dev: St. Patty, OPhie
Mobile Developer: Unek
Community and Market Manager: Richard Groen
POS Security & Systems Management: Sam
Project Graphic Design: crz
Video Graphics: Michael Jonsson
Wallet Compiling Dev: Wuher
Wallet Compiling Dev: pcmerc
Editor: Evok3d
OP Beta Testing: Valianthor