Just been playing with debian packaging system, made a few builds of cgminer for Debian.
Raspbian (armhf binary for raspberry pi) :
Freenet users:,bG~Q8DdHdZ93PmHuDBcDANxa8P78Wth2Ze98yWqzpCU,AAMC--8/cgminer_3.5.0-1_armhf.debInstructions:
sudo apt-get update #Make sure repos are up to date
sudo dpkg -i cgminer_3.5.0-1_armhf.deb #May complain about missing dependencies, dont panic next step takes care of it
sudo apt-get -f install #Installs the needed dependencies and then failed cgminer form above step.
Ubuntu (raring) : launchpad. ppa:theturtle1983/mining .
packages for raring should show up in there in 12 hours if the build was successful has binaries for Lucid thru Raring.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:theturtle1983/mining
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cgminer
Cgminer is configured with following arguments
--disable-opencl --disable-adl --enable-bflsc --enable-bitforce --enable-icarus --enable-modminer --enable-ztex --enable-avalon
(Basically dissable GPU mining and enable all FPGA/ASIC)
You can then run cgminer normally.
sudo cgminer #arguments....
sudo is needed at the moment since currently no udev rules are being added. If you can add the rules for your devices then skip the sudo.
#TODO: Description, etc (credit upstream)
#TODO: Print cgminer tip address post install
#TODO: Add in usb rules
#TODO: Add in default config
#TODO: Add init script (launch in screen). Launch on boot. start/stop/restart/status
#TODO: Add some kind of web interface
#TOTO: Perhaps some cli tools to get info from running instance
#TODO: Do the same for bfgminer if people are insterested
I built the raspbian package for personal use. Building on the pi takes for ever and I don't know how to cross compile. This is personal timesaver for next time i wanna install on raspi. Cuts few minutes to few seconds, and don't need to bloat production system with loads of -dev packages anymore.