I finally manage to make usb flashdrives with xubuntu 12.04 LTS persistent storage, and run cgminer 3.1.1 perfectly stable in my three miners.
However, there is one thing that I cannot control,
VRM voltage!, which I can do perfectly from windows using trixx, but I really, REALLY wanna get rid of the hard drive!
So after asking around and read a LOT, the short answer is:
you cannot modify VRM voltage from linux.damn!
as a short term solution, I downclocked my miners to 850 Mhz, so they will work at 1.125V (my sapphire's 7950 automatically switch to 1.125v when GPU clock is 850 or lower), that will give me
2.5Mh/W efficiency, I can live with that, for now.... but I want to lower to 1.050V
So start looking at the BIOS itself, in HEX, and I found the parameter section of the card, see this image, a segment of my Sapphire 7950 OC Boost 3G:
These numbers, starting with 10 54 69 01 are the operational parameters of GPU Speed, Mem speed and VRM voltage of all 5 presets.
for instance, the first line:
10 (identifier maybe?)
54 69 01 -> 01 69 54 == 92500 (925 Mhz) Engine, OC speed
48 E8 01 -> 01 E8 48 == 125000 (1250 Mhz) Memory Mhz
02 FF (??) A pointer to a ram area for the voltage?, this card is NOT voltage locked.
as you can see in the red-highlighted area, there is the voltage section, they are in litte indian, so B6 03 is 03 B6 which means: 0.950V
and 20 03 is 03 20 which means: 0.800V, this are constants
Now the problem is the section 02 FF and 01 FF, those numbers don't make any sense, the literal value would be 65282 and 65281, they make no sense at all, unless.... they are pointers!, but pointers to where... to where the real values are.
so, anyone interested into this?
what do you think will happen if I replace 02 FF with a constant value, let's say 1A 04 , that would be: 1.050V a great value for mining!.
The reason I am asking this, it's because I would like to hear more educated opinions, before I destroy a perfectly healthy card hehe.
So if my math is wrong please tell me!.
Here are another cards: Sapphire 7950 FLEX Edition
Here again we see what looks like a pointer:
01 FF for the first profile (OC)
52 03 which is 0.850V
B6 03 which is 0.950V
01 FF again this, what the F#@% is it!
Here I compare my card (left) with another profile that they said it has a lower operational voltage (on the right):
same story here.
and finally, two VaporX one of 950Mhz and another of 850Mhz versions (left and right respectively):
remember that parameters ends at 6B 03, and the first parameter starts with the 10 (all hex of course)
Same as my card which has 925Mhz Boost, the 950Mhz version has 02 FF and 01 FF, where the 850Mhz version (non BOOST) has only 01 FF
Sorry I made this so long, I hope it is understandable, if not, please ask, I will gladly explain!
any comments? help?, ideas?. (once I gather enough information I will modify one of my cards and tested it, but I prefer some feedback before that)
thanks for reading