I've expanded on my previous perl code to keep a miner active(in my sig) and have come up with Automatically Identify Disconnection and Switch(aids.pl). The script works on *n*x and Windows(Strawberry/Cygwin) with some packages from cpan.
You may have to do a notest install of POE on Windows and get certain dependencies from ppm. Read the
thread in my sig for more info about installing the cpan packages on Windows.
http://pastebin.com/u4HcZLA6The simplest use would be to replace the example command lines in connections -> connection name(Pool 1 server 1, Pool 1 server 2, etc.) -> command. Read aids_conf.json's comments for more advanced usage. Feel free to ask non-perl/cpan/ppm-specific questions in this thread about aids.pl and how to write aids_conf.json.